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November 5, 1962

Conversation between the Cuban Leadership and Mikoyan

During Mikoyan's visit to Cuba, the Cuban leadership explains its position following the Missile Crisis. Fidel Casto suggests that, while the Cuban leadership still believes that the Soviet Union is sincere in its desire to protect the Cuban Revolution, mistakes had been made during the crisis. The Soviet decision to withdraw the weapons should was based on the exchanges between the Soviet leadership and US President John F. Kennedy, not on the previous agreements between the USSR and Cuba. Castro suggests that the USSR could chose to go back on its security guarantees to Cuba in order to safeguard the peace, but that the Cubans will resist American agression nevertheless. The document only contains the Cuban responses to Mikoyan, without the Soviet leader's answers.

April 26, 1979

USSR Embassy in Cuba, 'Informational Letter on Contemporary Cuban-American Relations'

The Soviet Embassy in Havana gives an overview of the latest developments in US-Cuban relations. While steps towards a rapprochment have been undertaken, both sides are deadlocked on the issue of Cuba's military involvement in Africa.

June 25, 1979

Soviet Ambassador to Cuba V.I. Vorotnikov, Memorandum of Conversation with Fidel Castro

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador Vorotnikov and Fidel Castro

December 27, 1979

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba A.S. Seletskii and Jose Antonio Arbesu, Head of the USA sector of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba and Head of the USA sector of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee about the US-Cuban relations

May 25, 1980

Transcript of Conversation between Cuban Premier Fidel Castro and East German leader Erich Honecker, Havana, (excerpt)

Memorandum of conversation between Castro and Honecker regarding the bilateral relations, US-Cuban relations, and Soviet-Cuban relations

November 23, 1981

Transcript of Meeting between US Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig, Jr., and Cuban Vice Premier Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Mexico City

Memorandum of conversation taken during the secret meeting between Alexander Haig and Cuban Vice Premier arranged by Carlos R. Rodriguez, Mexican Foreign Minister, in Mexico City

September 27, 1979

Minutes of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting (excerpt)

Minutes of the CPSU CC Politburo Meeting. Carter has appealed to the Soviet Union regarding the issue of the presence of a military brigade in Cuba. The meeting attendees discuss a rough draft response and offer corrections.

November 11, 1962

Message from Raul Roa to the Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations Regarding Inspections

Cable coding number 731 from Raul Roa to the Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations. He expresses that his government opposes inspection and would like to find a permanent solution instead.

August 4, 1961

Secret Agreement Between Cuba and the USSR Regarding Exchange of Special Materials

Agreement between the Republic of Cuba and the USSR regarding a provision of special materials to Cuba and payment for these materials. Also attached are two lists enumerating supplies given to Cuba by the USSR.

September 30, 1961

Agreement and Lists to the Secret Agreement Between Cuba and the USSR

An agreement between Cuba and the USSR on the provision of special materials to Cuba and payment for these materials. Three annexes are included. Annex I: lists war materials provided by the USSR in 1961-2. 1/3 of the value paid. Annex II: lists materials in 1962-63. 2/3 of the value paid. AnnexIII: lists materials in 1962-3. Total value paid.
