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851 - 860 of 1911


November 10, 1955

Letter from the President of the Republic of Vietnam to Lt. General Choi Duk Shin

In response to a previous letter, the President of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, thanks Choi Duk Shin and briefly mentions United States foreign aid.

November 15, 1955

Letter from Choi Duk-shin to Dr. Syngman Rhee

Choi Duk-shin submits his "last report" as Corps Commander.

December 22, 1955

Letter from Choi Duk-shin to Dr. Syngman Rhee

Choi Duk Shin submits his "last report" as Corps Commander.

April 1956

Draft Letter from the President (Syngman Rhee) to Lt. General Choi Duk-shin

President Rhee drafts an order to Choi Duk Shin to travel to Formosa (Taiwan) and South Vietnam in order to develop diplomatic relations and initiate discussion on a possible Seoul-Saigon-Taipei mutual defense pact. President Rhee specifically requests the exclusion of Japan from the defense pact.

March 30, 1956

Letter from Choi Duk-shin to Dr. Syngman Rhee

Choi Duk Shin offers his opinion on the establishment of a Korean Legation in South Vietnam and discusses his personal desire to remain in the military service as opposed to the diplomatic corps.

October 3, 1955

Letter from Choi Duk-shin to Vu Van Mau

Choi Duk Shin announces that South Korea would like to establish diplomatic relations with South Vietnam and exchange envoys.

November 15, 1955

Letter from Choi Duk-shin to the President of the Republic of Vietnam

Choi Duk Shin reports briefly on the current situation of Vietnam and the expectations for the first South Vietnam presidential elections.

April 5, 1956

Letter from the President (Syngman Rhee) to Lt. General Choi Duk-shin

President Rhee orders Choi Duk Shin to travel to Formosa (Taiwan) and South Vietnam in order to develop diplomatic relations and initiate discussions on a possible mutual defense pact. President Rhee specifically requests the exclusion of Japan from the defense pact.

March 26, 1956

Letter from His Sacredness Ho-Phap Cong Tac to President Syngman Rhee

After offering a detailed account of the separation of North and South Vietnam by foreign powers, Ho-Phap Cong Tac requests that President Rhee support the peaceful reunification of Vietnam.

May 17, 1956

CDS Report No. 1 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi Duk Shin reports on the installation of a Korean Legation in Saigon as well as general information about the legation set up and the surrounding area in South Vietnam.
