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January 12, 1976

Transcript No. 100, §3, Annex, Execution of the CPSU CC Decision 'On the Supplementary Measures in the Domain of Ideological Work Connected with the Intensification of Romanian Nationalist Propaganda which Harms the Interests of the USSR'

In this annex, the Moldavian Communist Party outlines specific tasks to be assigned to various cultural organizations in order to counter Romanian nationalist propaganda which undermined the separate Moldavian identity.

January 12, 1976

Transcript No. 100 of the Meeting of the Central Committee Bureau of the Moldavian Communist Party

In response to a decision of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee, the Moldavian Communist Party made plans for producing new radio, television and print propaganda. Measures were also planned for preventing the smuggling of nationalistic Romanian propaganda into the Moldavian Republic.

June 27, 1975

Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee, no. 189 s, to CPSU Central Committee, 'Memorandum on the Falsification of Historical Events in Romania and Measures for Preventing its Negative Consequences in Moldavia'

The Moldavian Communist Party requests the development of a “comprehensive” and “coordinated single plan” for propaganda regarding the Moldavian political and ethnic identity. The MCP was particularly distressed by the tendency among Soviet ethnologies and histories of ignoring the new “Moldavian” ethnicity altogether, and referring to it instead simply as Romanian. Also troublesome were the “Romanian authors and their contemporaries that falsify the past and present of the Moldavian people."

July 3, 1972

Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee, no. 210 s, to CPSU Central Committee, 'Proposal Regarding the Organization of KGB Organs in the Frontier Counties of the Republic'

Request from the Moldavian Communist Party to send KGB officers to Moldavia in light of the “intensification of subversive activities directed against the republic by the special services and ideological centers of the Western countries,” of Israel, and of Romania. Travelers coming from Romania were deemed particularly dangerous because of their efforts “to inculcate our citizens with a nationalist spirit.” A “considerable part of them” smuggled in “materials and literature that are dangerous from the political perspective” while others “propagated the separate course of the Romanian leadership, the idea of breaking off the former Bessarabia from the USSR and uniting it with Romania.”

June 3, 1968

Transcript No. 53 of the Meeting of the Central Committee Bureau of the Moldavian Communist Party

The Moldavian Communist Party discusses a decision by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee approving measures for "improving ideological work in the republic," i.e. combating Romanian propaganda which undermined the separate ethnic and political identity of MoldThe MCP instructed a variety of institutions to cooperate in strictly regulating and reducing the entry of Romanian publications, broadcasts, information, and tourism into the republic; to create a propaganda base within the republic that would include increase numbers of publications and broadcasts, and new radio and television broadcast facilities; and to launch a new ideological offensive to combat Romanian influence.

July 1, 1966

Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee, No. 101 s, to CPSU Central Committee

Moldavian leader Bodiul calls upon the central authorities in Moscow to respond to Romanian propaganda which stated that there was no separate Moldavian ethnic or political identity. He advocates the generation of publications to “objectively expose” Romanian and bourgeois interpretations “from a class position and in the interests of the socialist community of nations;” and requests assistance in preparing "in the Moldavian language, Russian and in a series of foreign languages a series of historical studies (monographs, brochures, atlases, etc.) and articles in central periodicals, on the radio and television broadcasts that bring to the attention of wider public opinion—Soviet and foreign—the truth about the Moldavian people, about its authentic history and about the true reality of its contemporary life."

June 6, 1963

Bulgarian Embassy, Athens (Minchev), Cable to Foreign Ministry

Bulgarian Embassy in Athens staff member Atanasov reports on Greek media accounts of military preparations to the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to Atanasov, Greek newspapers report preparations include Soviet movements in the Mediterranean in response to US submarines carrying Polaris missiles, Bulgarian maneuvers near the Greek and Turkish borders, and an anticipated NATO forward strategy in Greece. Atanasov adds that NATO is preparing the defense of possible attacks on Greece.

December 4, 1989

Minutes of Conversation between Gorbachev and Romanian Leader Ceausescu

Minutes of Conversation between Soviet leader Michael Gorbachev and Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu on the status of the East European regimes and Soviet-Romanian bilateral relations. The two leaders discuss the history of Communism, the events taking place in other East European countries, the future of Romania and the Soviet Union and the nature and state of bilateral relations between the two countries.

February 11, 1945

Yalta Conference Agreement, Declaration of a Liberated Europe

The text of the agreements reached at the Yalta (Crimea) Conference between President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Generalissimo Stalin.

June 30, 1962

Record of Romanian Workers Party Politburo Discussion, 26 June 1963, re Nikita Khrushchev Visit to Romania

Shorthand record of the meeting of the Political Bureau of C.C. of R.W.P. (26 June 1963), after the visit of Nikita Khrushchev in Romania (24-25 June 1963).
