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January 13, 1970

Telegram from Walter Ulbricht to General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev

Ulbricht informs Brezhnev about his visit to the UAR following an invitation from Nasser. He also says that he wants to get in contact with the Soviet Ministry for Foreign Affairs in order to establish a common line to present to the UAR. Ulbricht also announces a visit to the SAR and Iraq.

July 27, 1970

On the Visit of the UAR Party and Government Delegation led by President Nasser to the Soviet Union between 29 June and 17 July 1970

During the visit, the Soviet representative assured the UAR of continuing Soviet support. The UAR accepted Israel's right to exist. According to the GDR embassy in Cairo, Nasser's visit to the Soviet Union marks the beginning of increased UAR diplomatic activity in the region.

June 15, 1954

Memorandum of a conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Egypt D.S. Solod and Egyptian Prime Minister G. Nasser

In a meeting with Soviet Ambassador Solod, President Nasser discusses Egypt's lack of sufficient arms to fight the British and discusses attempts to negotiate for the sale of arms from other European countries.

September 15, 1955

Memorandum of Conversation between the Soviet Ambassador in Egypt D.S. Solod and Egypt’s Prime Minister G. Nasser

President Nasser discusses a Soviet-Egyptian arms deal and claims he is pleased with the agreement. However, he worries that Britain will no longer supply arms to Egypt as a result of this agreement.
