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January 12, 1947

Record of a Conversation between Soviet Ambassador in China A. A. Petrov and General Zhang Zhizhong on 7 January 1947

Petrov and Zhang discuss Xinjiang-Soviet trade and the overall state of Sino-Soviet relations.

October 14, 1949

Ciphered Telegram No. 4159 from Filipov [Stalin] to Kovalev

Stalin agrees to send one division from Lanzhou to Urumchi and to ship aviation fuel to Urumchi and Hami.

March 23, 1944

Letter No. 93 from L.D. Wilgress, Canadian Embassy, Moscow, to the Secretary of State for External Affairs, W.L. Mackenzie King

L.D. Wilgress and the Chinese Ambassador to Moscow, Fu Bingchang (Foo Ping-sheung), discuss Soviet movements in Xinjiang.

July 9, 1945

Record of a Meeting Between T. V. Soong and Stalin

Dr. Soong reports Chiang Kai-Shek's response to the stalemate on the question of Outer Mongolia to Stalin and Molotov. Chiang insists on preserving the territorial integrity of China vis a vis Outer Mongolia and Manchuria, and that China's sovereignty in Manchuria should be reinforced by Chinese administration of Port Arthur and Dairen. Stalin asks to think over his decision before responding to Chiang.

July 3, 1942

Letter from Cde. V. M. Molotov to Governor Shicai Sheng

Molotov rejects all the accusations leveled against Cdes. Bakulin, Rakov, and other senior Soviet officials in Governor Sheng's earlier letter as completely unfounded and criticizes his repression of senior figures in the Xinjiang government. Molotov also expresses his belief that "secret agents of an imperialist power hostile to China" have made Sheng their tool.

May 10, 1942

Letter from Governor Shicai Sheng to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov

Governor Sheng describes the investigation into Sheng Shiqi's (the Commander of the Mechanized Brigade of Xinjiang) death, which revealed that Chen Xiuying (his wife) murdered him under pressure from Xiao Zuoxin, the assistant to the Director of the Urumqi office of the Native Corporation. He also reports that Kruglov, Soviet advisor for trade matters, intentionally disrupted trade between the Soviet Union and Xinjiang because of the Xinjiang government's alleged anti-Soviet attitude.


Telegram from Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov to G. Apresov, Consul General in Urumqi

Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov express alarm about Shicai Sheng's red corner and discussions about the possible Sovietization of Xinjiang, reported in an earlier telegram from G. Apresov. They reaffirm that the USSR has no territorial claims on China, denies any plans for the Sovietization of Xinjiang, and declares its firm support for China in its struggle of independence from Japan, Britain, and other imperialist countries.

October 26, 1940

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes No. 21 of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The Soviet Politburo charges Narkomtsvetmet with concluding a 50 year concession agreement for the right to explore and exploit mineral deposits in Xinjiang and establishes a Directorate of Concessions for Exploration, Prospecting, and Exploitation of the Deposits of Tin in Xinjiang.

June 17, 1936

Concerning Soviet Trade with Xinjiang

The Politburo reduces the import plan for Xinjiang after a cattle plague and poor cotton harvest, while ordering the export plans to remain at their current level.

July 16, 1935

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes No. 42 of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The Politburo orders an increase in the number of Soviet trade officials in Kumul and Aksu.
