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March 3, 1993

On Comprehensive Solution of a Wide Range of Issues related to the Deployment of Strategic Nuclear Weapons and Tactical Nuclear Warheads on the Territory of Ukraine, Removed in the Spring of 1992 from Ukraine for Dismantlement and Elimination

This report on the Ukrainian-Russian negotiations on nuclear weapons outlines the position of both Russia and Ukraine.

December 28, 1992

Letter N-15/44-23403 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine proposes negotiations with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on eliminatig warheads of strategic missiles from Ukraine.

January 24, 1994

Letter of President L. Kravchuk to Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada I. Plyushch

Ukrainian President Kravchuk describes the completion of a trilateral agreement with the United States and Russia regarding the dismantling of Ukraine's nuclear weapons.

December 11, 1992

Memorandum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

In light of the Verkhovna Radas' analysis on Ukrainian accession to the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarifies its position on nuclear weapons and assures its allies that it is working towards disarmament.

December 10, 1992

Draft Joint US-Russia Statement Regarding Security Guarantees/Assurances for Ukraine

Joint statement by the United States and Russia giving security assurances in recognition of Ukraine's steps toward denuclearization.

November 18, 1992

Report of Ukrainian Foreign Minister A. Zlenko to President Kravchuk

Letter about negotiations with US Ambassador to Ukraine R. Popadiuk regarding security guarantees for Ukraine


Sergey Khrushchev on Crimea [excerpt]

Sergey Khrushchev, son of Nikita Khrushchev, recalls the 1954 transfer of Crimea from Soviet Russian to Soviet Ukraine. At the time it was an uncontroversial decision, but later after the fall of the Soviet Union the loss of Crimea was seen in a negative light by the Russian public.

February 19, 1954

Meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Meeting minutes from Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet during which the transfer of Crimea from Russia to Ukraine was approved.

February 15, 1954

Letter from D. S. Korotchenko and V. Ye. Nizhnik to K. Ye. Voroshilov, with a Report about the Decree of the Presidium of the Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet

Korotchenko and Nizhnik report that the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR adopted a decree approving the transfer of Crimea to the Ukraine.

February 13, 1954

Decree of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet, 'Concerning the Submission of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet Presidium Concerning the Issue of the Transfer of the Crimean Oblast to the Ukrainian SSR'

Decree by the Ukrainian SSR (here abbreviated USSR) approving of the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine.
