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August 10, 1944

PARAPHRASE OF Embassy’s telegram no. 2923

Harriman briefs the President and the Secretary of State about conversations between Mikolajczyk and Stalin

August 7, 1944

Mikolajczyk and Stalin Meet for a Second Time

Stanislaw Mikolajczyk and Stalin discuss military aid to Poland.

August 3, 1944

Conversation between Stanislaw Mikolajczyk and Stalin

The Prime Minister of the Polish Government in Exile meets with Stalin to discuss Polish-Soviet political and military relations.

May 17, 1944

Stalin and Professor Lange Discuss Poland

Professor Oscar Lange briefs the U.S. Embassy in Moscow about his meeting with Stalin to discuss Polish affairs.

May 17, 1944

Professor Oscar Lange’s Report on his Meeting with Stalin, Submitted to President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Stettinius

Prof. Oscar Lange sends a briefing to the President and Secretary of State about his meeting with Stalin where they discussed Polish Politics.

May 23, 1944

Stalin, Molotov, and Zhukov Meet Marian Spychalski and the People’s Home Counsel (KRN) Delegation at the Kremlin

The People's Home Counsel (KRN) meets with Stalin, Zhukov, and Molotov at the Kremlin to discuss Polish politics and military.

May 22, 1944

Stalin and a Polish People’s Home Council (KRN) Delegation Meet in Moscow

The Polish State National Council (KRN) visits Stalin in Moscow to discuss Polish politics.

April 28, 1944

Statement by Rev. Stanislaw Orlemanski at a Press Conference

Rev. Stanislaw Orlemanski holds a press conference to describe his trip to the Soviet Union and discuss the Polish question with Joseph Stalin.


The Katyn Affair (A Brief Memo)

A Soviet record, probably dated from 1976, that offers an official CPSU stance on the Katyn massacre. The memo also describes various post-war "provocations" by the United States and other Western nations to bring attention to the Katyn massacre and inflame Soviet-Polish relations.

October 30, 1954

U.S. Department of State Intelligence Report No. 5678 Titled 'The Katyn Mass Graves'

This intelligence report is a summary and timeline of the events concerning the Katyn Forest Massacre from 1939-1946.
