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December 21, 1962

Cable from US Desk, Israeli Foreign Ministry, to Israeli Embassy, Washington

A description of President Kennedy's visit to Brazil on 17 December and his explanation of the implicaitons of the Cuban Missile Crisis on Brazilian foriegn policy.

October 30, 1962

Cable from Israeli Foreign Ministry, Jerusalem (Lvavi), to Israeli Embassy, Moscow

Israeli officials discuss the Cuban Missile Crisis (U.S. blockade of Soviet ships) and say that "Israel’s influence in the current circumstances was limited. Nevertheless, Israel would do whatever it can as a U.N. member to encourage negotiations and avoid military confrontation."

October 25, 1962

Cable from Israeli Embassy, Prague, to Israeli Foreign Ministry, Jerusalem

A cable from the Israeli Embassy in Prague about the Cuban crisis - public panic, long lines at stores to buy basic products (oil, sugar, salt, etc.) and many denunciations of U.S. policies by Cuban citizens.

October 24, 1962

Cable from Israeli Foreign Ministry (Arad) to Israeli Embassy, Washington

A cable on the conversation between Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and US Ambassador to Israel Walworth Barbour devoted to the crisis in Cuba. The cable says "The PM told Barbour that with regard to the Cuban Crisis we [Israel] had nothing better to do than pray." and that "The PM replied that Israel is trying to maintain peace."

October 25, 1962

Danish Defense Intelligence Service Weekly Brief (Excerpts)

An intelligence report from the Danish Defense Intelligence Services providing a general background on the historical events in Cuba leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis (Castro's revolutionary government), the defense systems and readiness of Cuba and its closest allies and military aid and materials in Cuba.

November 9, 1962

Danish Newspaper Interview with Deputy Foreign Minister Pelegria Torras

As the first journalist in Cuba since the outbreak of the Cuban crisis, Petersen is received by 1st Deputy Foreign Minister, Dr. Pelegria Torras, for an interview. They discuss the differences between socialism and capitalism; Cuban-Scandanavian relations; Cuban sovereignty; and Cuba's refusal to submit to international inspections.

November 14, 1962

Memorandum of Large-Group Meeting of FRG Chancellor Adenauer and US President Kennedy, Washington

A record of the large group meeting between U.S. President Kennedy, the F.R.G. Chancellor Adenauer and others in which they discuss the results of the Cuban Missile Crisis, that the situation as a whole is still ongoing, and what needs to be done to restore security to the situation.

November 14, 1962

West German Record of One-on-One Conversation between FRG Chancellor Adenauer and US President Kennedy, Washington

F.R.G. Chancellor Adenauer and U.S. President Kennedy discuss the Cuban crisis and the sense they both have that the situation is not yet entirely resolved. "The President indicates that one never knows what’s going on in the Soviets’ heads. The Americans never thought that the Soviets would dare bring missiles to Cuba and the Soviets never thought that the Americans would react so decisively. Both sides had false ideas about each other…"

October 28, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation, Federal Republic of Germany Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and US Ambassador Walter Dowling, Rhöndorf, West Germany

In preparation for an upcoming NATO Council meeting, the US and West German representatives discuss the current situation in Cuba - the developments of Soviet missile bases thus far, the United Nations negotiations in process, talks (letters) between Kennedy and Khrushchev, American surveillance planes coming under fire, and Soviet ships approaching the blockade line. Giving these circumstances, they feel the United States will perhaps feel compelled to resort to military action shortly.

October 27, 1962

Cable from Federal Republic of Germany Embassy, Washington (Knappstein)

A cable from the West German Embassy in Washington, D.C. discussing the threat to American security posed by an "offensive" Soviet base in Cuba, insights provided by recent intelligence, the purpose and the impact of the American blockade of Cuba, negotiations that have taken place at the United Nations, Soviet intentions during the Cuban crisis and, finally, a comparison of Cuba to the situation in Berlin.
