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October 27, 1962

Ciphered Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Aleksandr Alekseev

A telegram dispatched from the Soviet embassy in Havana early on the morning of Saturday, 27 October 1962. Fidel Castro was at the embassy and composing an important "personal" message for Nikita Khrushchev. The alarmed Cuban leader anticipated US invasion in the next "24-72 hours."

October 23, 1962

Ciphered Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Aleksandr Alekseev

A report on Alekseev's 23 October 1962 conversation with Fidel Castro, together with two members of the Cuban leadership, the day after the public crisis began. Presented with official Soviet statements on the crisis, Castro reviews the situation and confidently vows defiance to the US "aggression," which he claimed was doomed to failure.

November 28, 1962

Cable from Japanese Embassy in Havana to Tokyo

A cable describing the situation in Cuba, and especially the results of the Mikoyan-Castro talks.

November 21, 1962

Cable from Japanese Embassy in Havana to Tokyo

A brief, but expansive, report on the situation in Cuba. It includes: the Mikoyan-Castro talks, the various groups within the revolutionary government and Castro's opposition of any kind of base inspections.

November 16, 1962

Cable from Japanese Embassy in Havana to Tokyo

A cable describing the situation in Havana, Cuba after the US Blockade. It especially points out the economic results, like what product goods and commodities are available, and transportation networks.

November 2, 1962

Cable from Japanese Embassy in Moscow to Tokyo

Describes the domestic reaction in Moscow following the Cuban Blockade by the US. The cable discusses how the real sense of crisis had been widespread in society, and that after the crisis was over there was a sense of relief.

October 26, 1962

Cable from Japanese Embassy in Havana to Tokyo

A description of the situation in Cuba due to the US blockade. The Japanese Embassy officials are discussing Cuban reactions as well as expectations of Soviet involvement.

October 25, 1962

Cable from Japanese Embassy in Havana to Tokyo

A description of the Cuban reaction to the announcement of the US blockade. The Cuban press reports that President Kennedy's announcement is an act of unreasonable aggression by U.S. imperialists, and overall there is intense dissatisfaction about the situation among the revolutionary government and Castro

October 24, 1962

Cable from Japanese Embassy in Moscow to Tokyo

A cable from the Foreign Minister Ohira to the Charges d'affaires ad interim Shigemitsu regarding the situation in Moscow over the Cuban blockade. The cable gives an overall report of the atmosphere in Moscow by describing the people and press gathered around the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.

December 14, 1962

Mongolian Embassy in Moscow, Record of Conversation between the Mongolian Ambassador to the Soviet Union and Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Trade Alberto Mora Becerra

Mongolian Ambassador in Moscow Luvsan and the visiting Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade Alberto Mora make plans for future trade negotiations between Mongolia and Cuba. They also discuss the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the effect of the US embargo on Cuba's trade relations with Latin American countries and the sale of its sugar harvest.
