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December 1954

Message, President Syngman Rhee to General Taylor and his forces

In this Christmas Message, President Rhee addresses General Taylor and the US Forces. He praises the US troops for their victory against the communist aggression during the Korean War. Rhee recognizes America for continuing to “defend human liberty” not only in Korea but in all of Asia. Rhee ends the message with the goal of creating a “free, united, and democratic” Korea.

March 11, 1955

Letter, Lieutenant General C. B. Ferenbaugh to President Rhee

The United States has created a policy to aid the Republic of Korea by 1) strengthening the military establishment and, 2) helping stabilize her economy. Military aid would take the form of 720 thousand troops distributed amongst the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Air Force.

March 6, 1954

Letter, James A. Van Fleet to President Syngman Rhee

General Van Fleet addresses his concern for the Far East. While some Americans are calling for US withdrawal from South Korea, he insists that the US has a “morale and a material obligation” in the Peninsula.

February 14, 1951

Letter, President Syngman Rhee to General Coulter

President Rhee urges General Coulter to request for US permission to allow South Korean technicians to restore and repair the war tanks that the US was going to scrap into iron. Rhee argues that these tanks are indispensable for the ROK’ s national defense. He is also willing to pay the US in cash or iron scraps to get these tanks.
