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July 9, 1987

Anatoly Chernyaev, Notes from a Meeting of the Politburo

Gorbachev and other Politburo members discussed the pressing issue of the return of Crimean Tatars to Crimea.

October 27, 1945

TASS Digest Distributed to Cde. I.V. Stalin et al, 'Radio Broadcast'

US Ambassador to the Soviet Union Harriman told the press that Stalin was in good condition when they met in Sochi.

October 26, 1945

TASS Digest Distributed to Cde. I.V. Stalin and Cde. C.M. Molotov, 'London Report About Norwegian Newspapers; Etc.'

TASS reports on rumors that Stalin is ill and blames the American press for fueling these rumors.

October 24, 1945

TASS News Summary, 'A Denial of the Press Department of the Soviet Embassy in London

Reports of that Stalin is ill.

October 21, 1945

TASS News Summary, 'Radio Broadcasts'

Reports from various embassies of rumors that Stalin is ill.

October 24, 1945

TASS News Summary, 'The Australian Press About "Rumors Concerning the Death of Stalin"'

Reports of widespread rumors of that Stalin is ill.

October 23, 1945

TASS Digest Distributed to Cde. I.V. Stalin and Cde. C.M. Molotov, 'Radio Broadcast'

The Soviet embassy in London responded to rumors by announcing that Stalin's health is "excellent."

October 23, 1945

TASS Digest Distributed to Cde. I.V. Stalin and Cde. C.M. Molotov, 'Radio Broadcasts'

Rumors continue to circulate that Stalin is ill, and Soviet representatives have neither confirmed nor denied these rumors.

October 23, 1945

TASS Digest Distributed to Cde. I.V. Stalin et al, 'Report of a TASS Correspondent in France'

Report that the French press has been instructed by the Ministry of Information not to spread any information of foreign policy favorable to the USSR.

June 21, 1992

Assessment of the General Staff of the Navy on Russo-Japanese relations and the problems of territorial delimitation between Russia and Japan

This document highlights the Russian military’s concerns about the potential of losing the Southern Kurils to the Japanese. The document stresses that Japan still sees Russia as its most probable enemy in the Far East, and has plans to capture the islands in wartime. Losing these islands would present formidable obstacles to the Soviet Union because the Japanese and their American allies would have direct and unimpeded access to the Sea of Okhotsk, while the Russians would be prevented from conducting air attacks against U.S. aircraft carrier force east of the Tsugaru Strait. The document also provides statistics on Soviet-US submarine collisions and Japanese violations of Soviet/Russian territorial waters.
