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June 4, 1954

Chinese-North Korean Agreement Regarding North Korean Technical Personnel Studying in China and Chinese Technical Personnel Working in North Korea

An agreement between China and North Korea concluded in Beijing on November 23, 1953, regarding North Korean technical personnel studying in China and Chinese technical personnel working in North Korea and meant to strengthen bilateral friendship and further develop bilateral cooperation in production technology.

June 27, 1969

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Relations with North Korea'

The Jhr. Vegelin van Claerbergen proposes to the chief of the department to loosen the reins in relations with North Korea, both for reasons of commerce and of politics, namely engaging North Korea to allow it to become less dependent on China.

May 24, 1968

Letter from Dutch Representative in Beijing to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regarding a Conversation with a Representative of the North Korean Trade Council

Dutch official J.J. Derksen reports on a conversation initiated by North Korean Trade Council representative Choi Jung Keun, who proposed to establish some kind of office in the Netherlands or even have a delegation visit, to which Derksen gave a non-committal reply.

August 9, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 9 August 1957

Nam Il shares his positive impressions of meeting North Korean voters with Puzanov. Puzanov also asks about the investigation of anti-Party North Korean factionalists and encourages the exchange of information with the PRC Ambassador to the DPRK, Qiao Xiaoguang.

March 20, 1964

Record of Conversation between Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and Pak Seong-cheol

Chinese and North Korean statesmen discuss border issues, conversations with representatives of the Romanian Communist Party, and the unreasonable Soviet attitude regarding the Sino-Soviet debates.

April 20, 1962

Minutes of Conversation between Chen Yi and the DPRK Ambassador to China Han Ik-su

The Vice Premier of China, Chen Yi, greets the newly arrived North Korean Ambassador to China, Han Ik-su. The two discuss China and North Korea's deep bonds of friendship and mutual assistance in times of need.

September 21, 1959

Report by Qiao Xiaoguang on a Conversation with Kim Il Sung

Qiao Xiaoguang, the Chinese Ambassador to North Korea, reports to the Central Committee that Kim Il Sung expressed the desire to discuss North Korea's economic development with Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi. Kim also states his support for the CCP and the solidarity of the China-DPRK relationship.

November 11, 1965

Record of the Third Conversation between Zhou Enlai and North Korean Vice Prime Minister Ri Ju-yeon

Zhou Enlai, Ri Ju-yeon, and Pak Seong-cheol discuss Japanese militarism, U.S. imperialism, the issue of Korean citizenship for Koreans in Japan, the Chinese 5-year plan, and military preparations.

July 17, 1965

Minutes of Conversation between Deng Xiaoping and Head of the Korean Delegation Kim Gwang-hyeop

Kim Gwang-hyeop, Deng Xiaoping, and Kang Shen discuss matters related to the Communist Parties of Eastern Europe, Japan, and Vietnam.

June 15, 1971

Important Instructions from Premier Zhou for the Comrades Traveling to Pyongyang to Apologize to Korea

Zhou Enlai speaks with a Chinese delegation traveling to Pyongyang to apologize to North Korea. He emphasizes the importance of self-criticism, the historic camaraderie between China and North Korea, and matters regarding cultural exchange with North Korea.
