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May 12, 1958

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A. M. Puzanov for 12 May 1958

Pak Geum-cheol and Puzanov are indignant with the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, while Nam Il desires for the Soviet Union to expand an exhibit about the peaceful use of atomic energy in Pyongyang.

October 23, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 23 October 1957

Qiao Xiaoguang relays the results of the trip to China by the unofficial Korean delegation headed by Kim Il, where the draft of the first DPRK five-year plan and issues of the commodity exchange between the PRC and DPRK were discussed.

November 13, 1957

From the Journal of A. M. Puzanov, Record of a Conversation with Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung describes a recent meeting with Mao Zedong, Peng Dehuai's "interference in the internal affairs" of the KWP, and his invitation for Mao to visit the DPRK, among other topics.

August 9, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 9 August 1957

Nam Il shares his positive impressions of meeting North Korean voters with Puzanov. Puzanov also asks about the investigation of anti-Party North Korean factionalists and encourages the exchange of information with the PRC Ambassador to the DPRK, Qiao Xiaoguang.

April 20, 1962

Minutes of Conversation between Chen Yi and the DPRK Ambassador to China Han Ik-su

The Vice Premier of China, Chen Yi, greets the newly arrived North Korean Ambassador to China, Han Ik-su. The two discuss China and North Korea's deep bonds of friendship and mutual assistance in times of need.

September 21, 1959

Report by Qiao Xiaoguang on a Conversation with Kim Il Sung

Qiao Xiaoguang, the Chinese Ambassador to North Korea, reports to the Central Committee that Kim Il Sung expressed the desire to discuss North Korea's economic development with Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi. Kim also states his support for the CCP and the solidarity of the China-DPRK relationship.

November 11, 1965

Record of the Third Conversation between Zhou Enlai and North Korean Vice Prime Minister Ri Ju-yeon

Zhou Enlai, Ri Ju-yeon, and Pak Seong-cheol discuss Japanese militarism, U.S. imperialism, the issue of Korean citizenship for Koreans in Japan, the Chinese 5-year plan, and military preparations.

October 18, 1958

Notification from the Ministry of Interior on Opinions Relating to Marriages between Chinese People and Korean Women

The Ministry of the Interior transmits a report entitled "Internal Opinions on Marriages between Chinese [Men] and [North] Korean Women" as reference for Civil Administration Departments in the People's Republic of China. The document outlines policies for addressing requests from North Korean women wishing to marry Chinese men.

April 15, 1954

The Question of a Conference of the Five Great Powers with the Participation of the PRC

At a conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, US, Britain and France, the USSR proposes a conference including the PRC, but the others oppose China's participation.

October 3, 1950

Telegram from Stalin to Vyshinky

Stalin's opinion on criticism towards Cde. Kiselev.
