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521 - 530 of 1911


September 23, 1952

Letter, John W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

J. W. Staggers reports that they opened negotiations with the Grafe-Callahan Construction Company for increased output of tungsten.

January 5, 1951

Letter, Harold Lady to Syngman Rhee

Harold Lady replies to Syngman Rhee's request for information on selling iron scrap to raise money for the Republic of Korea. He encloses a sample contract from the CDT corporation.

July 15, 1955

Memorandum (A), J. W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

Staggers explains the history of the Grafe Company bid for the tungsten operaton.

January 10, 1951

Letter, Syngman Rhee to Harold Lady

Syngman Rhee replies to Harold Lady regarding the sale of scrap iron.

July 15, 1955

Letter, J. W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

Regarding false reports about himself, J. W. Staggers is relieved by Rhee's response to his letter. He attaches four memoranda explaining further.

December 10, 1953

The Rhee Plan for the Divestment and Rehabilitation of ROK Enterprise and Industry Under Capitalism and Democracy

Plan proposed by US businessman James H. R. Cromwell to privatize industry in South Korea. In response to President Rhee's concerns, it was later renamed the "Private Enterprise Plan."

November 19, 1955

Letter, J. W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

Staggers cannot make a trip to Korea with Jay.

April 11, 1956

Letter, J. W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

Staggers reports that the litigation of the Korean American Export-Import, Inc./American World Trade Export Import, Inc. has been settled out of court without reference to Korea or Col. Goodfellow.

February 3, 1954

Letter, James H. R. Cromwell to Syngman Rhee

James H. R. Cromwell assures Syngman Rhee that he has changed the name of his plan to the "Private Enterprise Plan" instead of the "Rhee Plan." John Staggers is coming to Seoul regarding the plan.

April 12, 1956

Letter, J. W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

Staggers recommends a proposal submitted by Claude T. Lindsay, Inc. of California.
