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June 3, 1953

Record of Molotov's Conversation with US Ambassador Bohlen

A follow-up conversation after the one on the 28th of May. The two discuss the talks that were taking place in Panmunjom, and Bohlen mentions the American men with Soviet wives currently residing in the Soviet Union. Molotov is unaware of this situation.

March 14, 1953

Ciphered Telegram from Razuvaev to Kim Il Sung and Peng Dehuai

Telegram from Razuvaev discussing POWs and what precedents established at the Geneva Conference must be met. Razuvaev also asks whether their side is ready for immediate repatriation of seriously ill and seriously wounded prisoners of UN troops.

March 26, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minster Visit to China (Foreign Ministers’ Discussion – The State of the Korean Peninsula)'

A more detailed overview of Wu Xueqian and Abe Shintaro's exchanges on the Korean Peninsula in the aftermath of the Rangoon Bombing.

March 25, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister Visit to China (Foreign Ministers’ Discussion – The State of the Korean Peninsula)'

Abe Shintaro and Wu Xueqian review developments in Korea in light of North Korea's attempted assassination of Chun Doo-hwan during the Rangoon bombing.

March 24, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minister Visit to China (Summit Meeting – Korean Peninsula Affairs)'

Nakasone and Zhao Ziyang discuss economic exchanges between South Korea and China, trilateral talks between the two Koreas and the US, and visits between divided Korean families.

July 21, 1951

List of Questions from Ambassador Alan G. Kirk During a Conversation with Gromyko

Kirk's questions clarified the extent to which the Soviet government is committed to a peaceful resolution in Korea.

July 20, 1951

Ciphered Telegram from Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]

Telegram from Mao to Stalin discussing the points of agreement and disagreement between the Korean-Chinese and Anglo-American representatives of armistice negotiations.

July 16, 1951

Ciphered Telegram from Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin], Transmitting Li Kenong's Telegram in Mao's Name

Li Kenong's telegram discusses the neutral zone, troop retreats, and other terms of the armistice.

July 27, 1953

Notes on Visit of General Clark with President Rhee (8:30-8:55, 27 July 1953)

General Clark tries to convince President Rhee to attend the armistice signing, emphasizing that Kim Il Sung will not be present. Ambassador Briggs then reports that President Eisenhower has approved $200 million in aid for Korean rehabilitation.

June 21, 1960

Polish Diplomat's Notes on Situation in the Far East

A review of South Korea's 1961 April Revolution.
