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1881 - 1890 of 1911


July 14, 1987

Memorandum of the Meeting between the National Olympic Committees of the Two Koreas and the International Olympic Committee, Lausanne, 14-15 July 1987

An official meeting between the Olympic Committees of North and South Korea, joined by the IOC President Samaranch and delegates. The group discusses issues of which sporting events North Korea would be able to organize at the upcoming 1988 Summer Olympics, where would opening and closing ceremonies occur and the appreciation both sides felt for the efforts of the IOC to work out the variety of issues between North and South Korea.

October 10, 1986

Summary of Negotiations between the Two Korean National Olympic Committees

IOC Summary Report on negotiations between North Korea, South Korea, and the IOC over the 1988 Olympic Games.

October 15, 1986

Recommendation by the National Olympic Committee of the ROK to the International Olympic Committee on North Korea

A message from South Korea to the IOC thanking them for their work on the upcoming 1988 Summer Olympics. They also express their mistrust and apprehension toward working with North Korea on the Games.

September 11, 1987

North Korea’s Advance Notice for Delivery of a Letter to the National Olympic Committee of the ROK on the Olympic games

An advance notice from North Korea that a letter on issues regarding the 1988 Summer Olympics will be delivered. Issues of co-hosting and other negotiations are covered.

October 8, 1985

Ichiro Ogimura and Young C. Kim's Efforts to Facilitate the 1988 Olympic Games

Letters from Ichiro Ogimura to IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch and DPRK NOC President Kum Yu Sun on Ogimura and Young C. Kim's efforts to facilitate the 1988 Olympic Games.

January 11, 1988

Letter from the DPRK’s National Olympic Committee to the International Olympic Committee President stating North Korea’s Position regarding their Participation in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.

A letter from North Korean Olympic Committee President Kim Yu Sun to IOC President Samaranch indicating that North Korea was not likely to participate in the upcoming 1988 Summer Olympics. North Korea cited the failure to come up with a joint hosting plan as the main issue, but pointed out that they remained hopeful that an agreement might be reached.

January 15, 1986

Letter from the International Olympic Committee President to the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of the ROK with a Summary of the January 8-9 1986 Meeting between the Two Korean NOCS

A letter from IOC President Samaranch to the North Korean Olympic Committee, which included a summary of a recent meeting between the Olympic Committees of North and South Korea, at which some of the issues discussed were events that could be held in North Korea, the torch relay, and future meetings.

February 9, 1979

Mongolian Record of Conversation with Soviet Officials in Moscow, February 1979

Discusses the cancellation of the alliance treaty between China and the Soviet Union, and the impact this will have on the Mongolian People’s Republic. They are urged not to hurry the cancellation of the treaty, however, because China has not yet explicitly asked for it. They also note that there are anti-Soviet propaganda items being spread in Korea, and the growing role the U.S. is playing in Chinese affairs.

December 8, 1967

Letter from Ambassador Brie of the GDR in the DPRK to Deputy MFA Hegen

East German Ambassador to North Korea Horst Brie reports on the growing number of incidents at the Demilitarized Zone between North Korean forces and South Korean and U.S. forces. Brie offers his own analysis of the military situation in Korea while highlighting the different views of officials from Czechoslovakia and Poland.

September 30, 1950

Memorandum from Gromyko to Stalin, 30 September 1950, with draft cable from Gromyko to Shtykov

A message from Gromyko to Stalin relaying the assessment of Shtykov that it would be prudent for the Soviet Union to withdraw some nonessential embassy personnel and specialists from North Korea. Gromyko advises that withdrawals should be considered only in consultation with North Korea and the appropriate Soviet ministeries.
