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671 - 680 of 1911


July 13, 1954

Letter, L. J. Legere to Yu Chang Jun, Secretary to the President

Request that President Rhee accompany General Taylor on a trip to Pusan.

July 15, 1954

Letter, C. J. Yu the Secretary of President to L. J. Legere, Jr.

President Rhee will not be able to visit Pusan with General Taylor.

July 15, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Syngman Rhee

Information about Syngman Rhee's visit to the United State, including flight schedules, sleeping accommodations and suggestion for a medical officer.

July 16, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Syngman Rhee

General Maxwell D. Taylor sends congratulations to Syngman Rhee for the sixth anniversary of Constitution day in the ROK.

July 20, 1954

Letter, R. G. Platt to Chang Jun Yu, the Secretary of the President

Clearance is granted for the family of Dr. William A. Glenn to enter Korea.

August 1, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Francesca Donner Rhee

A building occupied by the US Eighth Army is released from military occupancy and returned to the Korean government.

August 1, 1954

Letter, the Commander of British Commonwealth Sub Area North to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in ROK

The British Commonwealth Sub Area North Commander reports that it will release a building being used as office space to the Korean government.

August 13, 1954

Letter, General Maxwell D. Taylor to Syngman Rhee

General Taylor writes about a proposed trip to Washington, DC for General Lee Heung Koon, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.

August 14, 1954

Letter, Syngman Rhee to General Maxwell D. Taylor

Syngman Rhee asks General Taylor to arrange General Lee's visit to the United States to study the organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

March 20, 1954

Letter, Ralph Handelman to Chang Soo Yoo

Korean-American Purchasing & Sales President Ralph Handelman expresses disappointment with Chang Soo Yoo.
