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Excerpts from Recollections by the Former Soviet Ambassador in North Korea Aleksandr Kapto

Aleksandr Kapto reflects on the Soviet Union's normalization of relations with South Korea, and the consequential fallout in relations between North Korea and the USSR. According to Kapto, North Korea threatened to develop nuclear weapons and withdraw from the NPT as a result of Soviet-South Korean rapprochement.

October 12, 1973

Verbatim Transcript of the Third Meeting between Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai and Trudeau have a wideranging conversation on international politics, covering the Vietnam War, Sino-Japanese relations, Nixon's visit to China, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Arctic circle, and nuclear energy safeguards, among other topics.

October 21, 1954

Talking Points from Premier Zhou Enlai’s Third Meeting with Nehru

Zhou Enlai and Nehru discuss Sino-Indian relations, as well as China and India's views toward Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka).

April 19, 1955

Main Speech by Premier Zhou Enlai, Head of the Delegation of the People's Republic of China, Distributed at the Plenary Session of the Asian-African Conference

Zhou Enlai calls for increased cooperation between the countries of Asia and Africa at the Bandung Conference.

December 18, 1975

Memorandum to Holders of Special National Intelligence Estimate, SNIE 4-1-74: Prospects for Further Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

This estimate updates the 1974 predictions, and analyzes the “earliest dates of the technical feasibility of possession of a nuclear device” of the Republic of China, Pakistan, South Africa, The Republic of Korea, Argentina and Brazil, among others.

May 26, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Liaison Office in Gaesong, 'Xi-li’s View of the Current Situation in Korea'

The Chinese Liaison Office in Gaesong describes a Czech General's assessment of the situation in South Korea. According to the General, the May Revolution in South Korea was single-handedly engineered by the United States and the situation is unlikely to be resolved in the absence of an improvement in Sino-US relations.

May 20, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Representative Office in the UK, 'Britain’s Reaction to the South Korean Military Coup'

The Chinese Diplomatic Representative's Office in Britain reports that the US had no prior intelligence about the South Korean military coup, which the British public believes to be a result of repression under Jang Myeon and growing corruption rather than American interference. While Britain doubts that the coup clique will be able to run South Korea, it has no power to intervene because South Korea falls within the United States' 'sphere of influence.'

May 22, 1980

The Issue of the North Korean Invasion of the South

Japan and China discuss the possibility of a North Korean invasion of South Korea.

December 13, 1979

Special Statement by the Minister of National Defense

A special statement issued by the Minister of National Defense of South Korea, regarding the investigation of Chief of Staff Jeong Seung-hwa following President Park Chung Hee's assasination.

December 13, 1979

Cable, South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs to All Overseas Mission Chiefs, 'Emergency Situation (No. 29)'

A telegram ordering all Overseas Mission Chiefs to report domestic responses of the arrest incident of Army Chief of Staff Jeong Seung-hwa.
