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October 27, 1962

Report to CPCz General Secretary Antonin Novotný

The report to Novotny details the happenings of the Cuban Missile Crisis at that time. Great Britain feels out of the loop and hurt by not being consulted by the United States before it took action, while Kennedy is not backing down on the blockade until the missiles are removed. According to the message, it is unclear whether there are nuclear missiles in Cuba at all; an American army colonel admits to the UN that no traces have been found, despite hundreds of photographs taken. In Czechoslovakia, the situation is unchanged; troops are still on alert and awaiting combat orders, with morale running high. There are even some volunteers willing to go to Cuba and aid their Latin comrades.

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Mexican Embassy, Guatemala City

A telegram from the Mexican Embassy in Guatemala commenting on the speech made by U.S. President Kennedy. The Mexican Embassy says "President Kennedy’s speech tells us that the giant finally woke up and that it will abandon its paralysis and lack of foresight, for a state of arms at the ready and alertness. Guatemala in its great anticommunist majority is prepared as a democratic country to align with our brothers of America."

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Mexican Embassy, Havana

A telegram from the Mexican Embassy in Cuba describing that the government of Cuba had given the order to be at battle stations to all its armed forces in anticipation of an air attack against Cuba by the United States.

December 2, 1962

Confidential Memo from Cuban Mission to the United Nations Concerning Anastas Mikoyan’s Conversations with US President John F. Kennedy (and Secretary of State Dean Rusk), with cover note from Cuban President Dorticos to Foreign Minister Roa

A report from the Cuban Mission to the UN concerning a conversation with Anastas Mikoyan and US President John F. Kennedy and Secretary of State Dean Rusk. The three are mostly focused on discussing US-Latin American diplomatic relations, and concerns over American military presence in Latin America, specifically the US fly-overs. Kennedy continues to reiterate the US's position on 'no US invasion of Cuba.'

October 13, 1962

Memorandum of the Conversation between China’s Ambassador to Cuba Shen Jian and Cuban Finance Minister Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Havana

A conversation between China’s Ambassador to Cuba Shen Jian and Cuban Finance Minister Ernesto “Che” Guevara. They discuss the situation of the Cuban economy given recent U.S. blockades, as well as the various situations in other countries like Yugoslavia, Argentina and Guatemala.

October 24, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Report of a Conversation with Cuban Interior Minister'

The Cuban Interior Minister is telling the Chinese embassy officials about U.S. combat readiness and active troop deployments to Cuba/Guantanamo.

October 25, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'A Cuban Leader Talked about Domestic Mobilization'

A report on the meeting between Huang Wenyou and Joaquin Ordoqui. They discuss two main issues: the fact that the oil supply and general economic conditions in Cuba are tough, but the Cuban people still remain positive; and the American mobilization for invasion and war against Cuba, especially given the fact that Kennedy recently took a hard line against Cuba in a meeting with Gromyko (a Soviet official).

October 27, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy, Havana, 'Report on Conversation with Cuban Official Joaquín Ordoqui'

Chinese embassy in Cuba discusses with a Cuban official the likelihood of a U.S. invasion and war. They also discuss the mobilization preparations and Castro's position on fighting a war with the United States.

October 27, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Ghana, 'Report on Conversation with the Third Secretary of Cuban Embassy'

Chinese embassy in Ghana discusses the situation in Cuba. Ghana proposes African-Asian delegation to inspect Cuban military establishments; also says the U.S. will attack Cuba at 9:30 pm on the evening of 27 or 28 October 1962, but does not identify the source of this information.

October 28, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'The Chilean Economic Advisor Jaime Barrios Discussed the Cuban Situation'

A conversation with the Chilean economic advisor. They discuss: American plane shot down over Cuba, possible invasion of Cuba and the mass mobilization needed to support Cuba.
