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February 13, 1953

USSR Council of Ministers Decree, 'On the Plan of Scientific-Research Work on Long-Range Missiles in 1953-1955'

Council of Ministers decree approving development of several intercontinental missiles

October 15, 1951

Memorandum of D. F. Ustinov to L. P. Beria on the Use of German Specialists

Summary report on the use of German specialists for Soviet rocket development

October 19, 1964

J.S. Mehta, 'China's Bomb and Its Consequences on her Nuclear and Political Strategy'

Analysis of the recent Chinese nuclear weapon test and it's strategic implications for China's diplomatic and military policies.

September 29, 1967

Report, 'Nuclear Planning Group's decisions, meeting at ministerial level'

The document presents NPG's decisions about the topics recently discussed at a meeting at the level of Ministers of Defense just concluded (Ankara, 28th-29th September 1967). The topics addressed were: ADM, tactical nuclear weapons, ABM, national participation in the military planning with regards to nuclear issues.

October 6, 1967

General Staff of Defense (SMD), 'Summary Report of the 2nd Nuclear Planning Group meeting at the level of Ministers of Defense (Ankara, 28-29 September 1967)'

The document reports the evolution of the meeting. Italy was there represented by the new Minister of Defense Tremelloni, the Chief of Staff Aloia, the diplomat Alessandrini (RICA) and others. Topics discussed: possible use of ADM; possible use of tactical nuclear weapons; ABM; Italian participation in military nuclear planning; information about the nuclear weapons deployed in NATO countries. Aloia believes that the discussion was fruitful, keeping in mind the complexity of the nuclear issues, that have just recently been able to count on permanent bodies appropriate to deal with them at a political level. France's negative behavior caused a postponement of the discussion about many military-political topics in the last years.

January 1, 1987

Message by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate General for Political Affairs and Security (DGAP), 'Visit of Nitze and Perle in Rome -
ABM-SDI issue'

In preparation to receive Nitze and Perle in Rome, the memo discusses the European concerns vis-à-vis what is seen as American intentions to abandon the ABM treaty. The document focuses on the Italian perspective and lists questions to be posed during the visit.

February 7, 1987

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate General for Political Affairs and Security (DGAP), 'Prospects on the acceleration of the SDI program'

Assistant Secretary of State, Holmes participates in a SCG meeting to address allies' questions and concerns related to the proposed acceleration of the SDI program.

December 10, 1957

Letter, Nikolai Bulganin to Dwight D. Eisenhower

Bulganin proposes a halt on nuclear tests among the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom beginning on January 1, 1958.

January 1966

Excerpt of an Indian Document on Chinese Nuclear Delivery Capability

An excerpt of a document recovered from the Air India 101 crash assessing China's military capabilities.

June 6, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Security and disarmament'

A detailed account of the developments in the Strategic Defense Initiative, ABM treaty, and negotiations between the superpowers. The document also assesses the ongoing negotiations on the ban of Chemical Weapons.
