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May 16, 1949

A Syrian, Lebanese, Palestinian Communist Conference

A report on the Communist conference in Haifa regarding the topics on the agenda.

May 1, 1971

Declaration by the Iraqi Communist Party Regarding the March Agreement

Communist party declaration against the Iraqi government, accusing them of ongoing terrorism against the Kurdistan Democratic Party a year after their agreement to cease hostilities.


External Structure of the Iraqi Communist Party

Describes the external structure of the party and its focus including campaigns against the torture of communists, creating a political atmosphere friendly to communism, etc. List of international student organizations involved in the external structure.

February 8, 1952

Internal Events in Iraq

Report on Iraq, describing a danger of revolution as several opposition parties have united to make demands including the nationalization of the oil industry, stripping foreign companies of their special privileges in Iraq and changing the government to a democracy.

October 28, 1980

Winkelman, 'Information for the Politburo: General Communique of the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the Central Committee of the Iraq Communist Party'

The Central Committees of the Iraqi Communist Party and Iranian Tudeh Party condemn Iraqi aggression against Iran, support Palestinian rights against what they view as "Zionist aggressors," and criticize American imperialism in the region.


Visit to the United Kingdom of Bulganin and Khrushchev, 19-27 April 1956

UK record of discussions with a Soviet delegation including Bulganin and Khrushchev.

October 16, 1981

Ministry for State Security, 'On Activities of Iraqi Intelligence Organs'

Report from the KGB that Iraqi intelligence are using foreign embassies to "to register, monitor, and possibly neutralize" Iraqi communists and other oppositional groups abroad.

August 22, 1979

Order, Minister for State Security, Iraqi Citizens in the GDR

Minster for State Security Mielke orders the protection of Iraqi citizens in the GDR following reports that the Baath Party "has supposedly decided to persecute and physically liquidate members of the Communist Party of Iraq who live in foreign countries."

December 18, 1958

Report of the Hungarian Ambassador in Baghdad on the preparations for the Iraqi revolution in 1958

This report by the Hungarian ambassador in Baghdad details the time leading up to the Iraqi Revolution of July 14, 1958, highlighting particularly the role of the Iraqi communist party and Brigadier General Qasim.

July 13, 1971

Preparing a Plan for a Coup in Sudan and Iraq

A detailed outline of attendees and discussions of a secret conference of Arab communist parties to plan a coup in Sudan and Iraq, including a proposed agenda for escalation.
