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April 1968

Appeal to Pope Paul VI on the Question of the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty

This document contains instructions to the Soviet ambassador to meet with the Deputy Secretary of State of the Vatican and notify him of confidential information that needs to be brought to Pope Paul VI. In light of mutual understanding between the Vatican and the USSR on the importance of nuclear disarmament, the ambassador is requested to ask the Pope to utilize any diplomatic means at his disposal to help bring about the quickest possible conclusion to the NPT negotiations.

March 22, 1968

Andrei Gromyko, Note to the CPSU CC

Andrei Gromyko describes the diplomatic measures he deems necessary to ensure the adherence of influential nations and countries in the Socialist sphere to the NPT. Valuing negotiation and diplomatic conversations between representatives, Gromyko especially seeks to obtain the support of countries who have previously expressed reservations about the treaty.

March 1968

Memo to Soviet Ambassadors to Notify Heads of State and Ministers of Foreign Affairs on Soviet Views regarding the NPT and Various Proposed Amendments

Document is notifying Soviet ambassadors to visit respective heads of state and Ministers of Foreign Affairs and inform them of the Soviet position on the draft treaty of the NPT given that the 18-Nation Committee on Disarmament recently finished its deliberations on the Treaty and submitted it to the UNGA.

June 1968

Speech at the Signing of the NPT

A celebratory, optimistic speech by Alexei Kosygin at the signing of the NPT. In this speech, Kosygin praises the international collaboration that has led to the signing of the treaty, and hopes that such collaboration will continue as disarmament is pursued.

September 25, 1960

[Mao Zedong's] Conversation with [Richard] Dixon and [Lawrence "Lance"] Sharkey [then President and General Secretary of the Communist Party of Australia]

Mao, Dixon, and Sharkey discuss various issues of concern for their respective communist parties, such as the Soviet stance on disarmament and disagreements with the British Communist Party. The Australian communists express support for the Chinese Communist Party, but also urge the Chinese communists to resolve their disputes with the Soviets.

September 5, 1968

Draft of the Resolution on the Issue of Concluding a Convention on Prohibiting the Use of Nuclear Weapons

Draft resolution asking for the member states of the 18 Nation Committee on Disarmament to consider a positive resolution of the issue on prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons.

September 5, 1968

Directives to the USSR Delegation at the XXIII session of the UN General Assembly

Directives to the USSR Delegation at the XXIII session of the UN General Assembly about issues with disarmament.

September 5, 1968

Directives for the USSR Delegation to the XXIII Session of the General Assembly of the UN on the Issue of the Memorandum of the USSR Government on Some Urgent Measures to Halt the Arms Race and on Disarmament

Directives for the USSR Delegation to the XXIII Session of the General Assembly about halting the arms race and on disarmament.

June 6, 1968

Directive Sent to Cde. V.V. Kuznetsov, Soviet Delegation, New York

Suggested refinements to the draft of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

May 4, 1968

Attachment to Directives for the USSR Delegation at the Continuing XXII Session of the UN General Assembly

A series of recommendations for the UN, put forth by the Soviet Union, calling for strong restrictions on the creation, testing, movement, and use of nuclear weapons.
