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July 15, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee, Regarding meeting with Tep Phan (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Head of the Cambodian delegation)

In this telegram Zhou Enlai informs Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee, about his meeting with the Cambodian Foreign Minister Tep Phan.

July 14, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee (excerpt)

In this telegram Zhou Enlai informs Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee that Mendès-France hopes to reach an agreement by July 20 and insists that concessions be made in regards to the demarcation line.

July 13, 1954

Minutes, Zhou Enlai's Meeting with Mendès-France (Excerpt)

The minutes of the meeting between Zhou Enlai and Pierre Mendès-France. The topic of the discussion mostly revolves around the question of the demarcation line in Vietnam and the progress of the Geneva Conference.

July 11, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and convey to Ho Chi Minh (excerpt)

In this telegram Zhou Enlai first recounts his meeting with leaders of the Soviet Party and their discussion on the topic of the Geneva Conference. In the second part he says that the communist side has not proposed concession on the question of dividing zones, and lastly Zhou says that he will be leaving soon for Geneva to meet with Molotov and Eden before the conference resumes.

July 5, 1954

Transcript, Ho Chi Minh's presentation at the Liuzhou Conference (excerpt)

In his speech to the Liuzhou Conference, Ho Chi Minh thanks Premier Zhou for helping the Communist Party of Indochina. Ho Chi Minh then goes on to talk about the situation in Vietnam, and how they should be pursuing peace, but preparing for both war.

July 3, 1954

Main points, Zhou Enlai's presentations at the Liuzhou Conference (excerpt)

A summary of the main points of Zhou Enlai's presentations given at the Liuzhou Conference July 3-5. Zhou touches on the topic of crucial questions the communist parties are facing, Korea and US intervention, and conditions for armistice.

June 24, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong, Regarding the banquet with the Laotian and Cambodian delegations and Pham Van Dong

In this telegram Zhou Enlai gives an account of the banquet he hosted with the Laotian and Cambodian delegations and Pham Van Dong. Enlai says it was a successful gathering that significantly changed the attitudes of the Cambodian and Laotian delegations.

June 20, 1954

Telegram, CCP Central Committee to Zhou Enlai

Telegram from the CCP Central Committee to Zhou Enlai saying that given the progress made at the Geneva Conference has made armistice and progress possible. Therefore no big operations should be carried out by the Vietnamese People's Army.

June 19, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zeong, Liu Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee

Zhou Enlai informs Mao Zeong, Liu Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee that the proposal concerning a comprehensive settlement raised by the VWP Central Committee has failed to hit the important points and they are not willing to make concessions on the Laos and Cambodia questions.

June 15, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong, Regarding the Thirteenth Restricted Session

Zhou Enlai writes to Chairman Mao, Comrade Shaoqi, and the CCP Central Committee about the thirteenth restricted session of the Geneva Conference. During this session Molotov put forward a twelve-point proposal concerning the joint committee, the supervision committee by countries of neutrality, and the question of international guaranty.
