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September 29, 1976

Discussion between SWAPO with Dr Henry Kissinger, US Secretary of State, in New York

Dr. Kissinger expresses his proposal for a conference on Namibia to be attended by SWAPO (South West Africa People's Organization), Turnhalle members, and South Africa. The Conference concerned the ongoing struggle for independence by Namibian guerrillas from South African rule. Kissinger pledged US support to SWAPO as the leading force in Namibia, but Namibian delegates responded that they would not attend the conference unless South Africa met all preconditions including the withdrawal of troops from Namibian territory.

July 1988

Current Relations Between Bulgaria and the South-West African People's Organization (SWAPO)

An overview of the development of relations between Bulgaria and SWAPO from the late 1970s through the late 1980s. Several visits to Bulgaria from SWAPO (and future Namibian) President Sam Nujoma are mentioned, as are visits from SWAPO's Richard Kapuela, Toivo Ya Toivo, Festus Naholo, and David Merero. Bulgarian Chariman of the State Council, Todor Zhivkov, conducted the meetings with Nujoma. Also mentioned are Bulgarian offers for SWAPO members to come to Bulgaria for education, vacation and medical treatment.

October 22, 1983

South-West African People's Organization (SWAPO) President Sam Nujoma's visit to Bulgaria, October 1983

Notes on a visit by the South-West African People's Organization (SWAPO) to Bulgaria in October 1983. The delegation included Namibian politician Sam Nujoma, who discussed the struggle for Namibian independence from South Africa.

September 23, 1980

Bulgarian Relations with the Communist Party of South Africa and the African National Congress, Sofia (extract)

A list of positive interactions between the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) and the African National Congress (ANC). Including visits by ANC representatives to Bulgaria and economic assistance provided by the BCP.

February 15, 1979

Stenographic Transcript of the Official Talks between Comrade Erich Honecker and Comrade Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi in Tripoli

Honecker and Gaddafi pledge unity against colonialism in Southern Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, referencing developments in Kampuchea, Iran, and Afghanistan. Honecker presses the importance of disarmament and expresses his support for the Steadfastness and Confrontation Front. The two leaders agree that Libyan oil will be shipped to East Germany.

July 29, 1979

Minutes of Todor Zhivkov – Robert Mugabe Conversation, Sofia

Robert Mugabe - leader of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) and future president of Zimbabwe - visits Bulgarian and meets with Todor Zhivkov. Mugabe discusses the progress of the conflict in Zimbabwe and requests Bulgarian military support for his forces. Zhivkov expresses concern about the division of the Zimbabwean forces into two separate and competing military groups and advises him to unite with Joshua Nkomo's Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU).

February 1965

Excerpt from Che Guevara's 'Pasajes de la Guerra Revolucionaria (Congo)'

Excerpt from Che Guevara's "Pasajes de la guerra revolucionaria (Congo)" on his meeting with African liberation movement leaders in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania describing the inability to convince them to fight for a greater cause than the freedom of individual republics.

April 3, 1977

Fidel Castro's 1977 Southern Africa Tour: A Report to Honecker (excerpt)

The following excerpt--from a discussion on 3 April 1977 at the House of the SED Central Committee in East Berlin--contains Castro's impressions of the situations in several southern African countries, (e.g., Tanzania, Angola, Mozambique, People's Republic of the Congo), and several guerrilla or liberation groups in the region, such as the African National Congress (ANC), then struggling for power in South Africa, and two groups fighting to rule Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) and the Zimbabwe African Political Union (ZAPU). Also included are Castro's assessments of individual political leaders, remarks about coordination with Moscow, and an over-all conclusion that Africa was the place to inflict a major blow against world imperialism.

May 24, 1979

Memorandum of Conversation between Minister-counselor of the Soviet Embassy in Havana M. Manasov and Cuban Communist Party CC member Raul Valdes Vivo, 7 May 1979

Memorandum of conversation between Minister-counselor of the Soviet Embassy in Havana M. Manasov and Cuban Communist Party CC member Raul Valdes Vivo where Vivo discusses plans for Soviet-Cuban cooperation on the Zimbabwe situation
