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January 1, 1964

Report by Shri S. Sinha, Director (EARC) – Ministry of External Affairs, 'Brief Analysis of the propagandist statements on disarmament and nuclear-free zone made by the Peoples Republic of China'

The Peoples Republic of China supports disarmament and a nuclear-free zone in the Asian and Pacific Regions strictly for tactical reasons

April 10, 1964

Report by S. Bikram Shah, Ambassador, 'Annual Political and Economic Report for 1963'

Finland welcomed the signing of the Partial Test Ban Treaty at Moscow and was one of the first countries to sign it. However, there is reluctance on the part of other Scandinavian countries to accept the proposal


Report on Indian Foreign Policy and Nuclear Disarmament

Over the years, in the United Nations and elsewhere, India has patiently and persistently continued her efforts to help in finding a solution for the global nuclear disarmament


Message, J.C. Ajmani, Deputy Secretary (DIS), 'Subject: Resolutions adopted by the 52nd Inter-Parliamentary Conference held in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in September 1963'

The Indian government compares the final resolution to the draft resolution with which they agreed and states their position towards the final resolution

November 26, 1963

Office Memorandum, J.C. Ajmani, Deputy Secretary, (DIS), 'Subject: Inter-Parliamentary Conference held in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in September 1963 – Resolutions'

Lok Sabha Secretariat wishes to confirm that the India’s position in regard to the two resolutions on the creation of denuclearized zones and on the Moscow Agreement

June 28, 1963

Excerpt from the 52nd Inter-Parliamentary Conference's Resolutions on Creation of Denuclearized and Limited Armaments Zones

The creation of denuclearized and limited armaments zones is a first step towards general and complete disarmament


Message from P. K. Patnaik, Deputy Secretary, 'Inter-Parliamentary Conference held in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in September, 1963, Resolutions'

The last conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union adopted a resolution regarding the creation of denuclearized and limited armaments zone

September 13, 1963

Letter from the worker of Donetsk metallurgy plant Nikolai Bychkov to Ukrainian Republican Committee of Peace Protection, Donetsk

This letter is just an example of similar numerous letters which were sent to Kiev on the occasion of signing Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) in 1963. In these letters the Ukrainian teachers, workers, collective farmers wrote about their happiness because of partial prohibiting of the nuclear tests. At the same time these letters condemn China, whose relations with USSR had deteriorated by that time and who prepared to perform its first atmospheric nuclear test which broke PTBT regime.

August 12, 1963

Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai, Vice Premier Chen Yi, and Pakistani Ambassador Raza

Zhou Enlai, Chen Yi, and Ambassador Raza coordinate China and Pakistan's strategies toward the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. They also discuss Sino-American relations.

October 28, 1958

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'Gromyko Discussed the Issue of Stopping Nuclear Weapons Tests'

Gromyko informs Liu Xiao of the Soviet position and strategy in its negotiations with the United States and the United Kingdom for halting nuclear tests.
