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March 13, 1984

Telegram, [redacted] to Comrade Damm

Bulgaria claims the CIA is involved in the criminal case against Sergei Antonov.


Letter, Lieutenant General W. Kozew to Comrade Markus Wolf

Markus Wolf learns of the latest developments in the criminal case against Sergei Antonov.

June 4, 1983

Major General Damm to Comrade Colonel General Wolf, 'Cooperation with the Security Agencies of the PR Bulgaria'

Willi Damm reports to Markus Wolf that the Bulgarians are requesting assistance for "active measures" against an Italian citizen.

June 3, 1983

Information from the Security Services of the BPC: Reference Report on Case Agca

Biographical information about Mehmet Ali Ağca as well as the "groundless accusations" against Bulgaria and other communist bloc states.

February 1, 1983

Telegram, Dimitar Stoyanov to Comrade Mielke

The Bulgarian Minister of the Interior writes to Erich Mielke on NATO efforts to discredit Bulgaria, the Soviet Union, and other communist states following the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.

December 15, 1982

Telegram, Reinert to Gen. Axen, Gen. Sieber, and Gen. Krolikowski

The Bulgarian Communist Party rejects allegations from Italy and other Western powers that Bulgaria was involved in the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.

December 4, 1982

Telegram, [redacted] to Comrade Mielke

In this letter sent from Sofia to Erich Mielke, the author rejects that Sergei Ivanov Antonov had anything to do with the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.

August 31, 1982

Major General Damm to Comrade Colonel General Wolf, 'Cooperation with the security agencies of the PR Bulgaria on the line “Active Measures”'

Willi Damm conveys a recent message from a Bulgarian counterpart to Markus Wolf.

August 26, 1982

Telegram, Mitew to Comrade Damm

A Bulgarian intelligence official informs their East German counterpart of the "biased and false material" that alleges a Bulgarian connection to the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.

April 1, 1989

Letter, Brig. Gen. Zenon Trzciński to Comrade Col. Czesław Żmuda

A delegation from Poland's Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to travel North Korea in order to participate in the Seventeenth International Forensic Symposium in Pyongyang
