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May 31, 1986

Telegram by the Italian Embassy in Ottawa to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ''Ministerial Atlantic Council in Halifax - East West relationship / Problems related to SALT II'

Telegram from Italian Ambassador to Canada to the Foreign Ministry recounting the motives behind president Reagan's decision to abandon the SALT II treaty, as provided by Secretary of State George P. Schultz at at the Atlantic Council of Ministers.

December 12, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'FNI negotiations - Assessments of the American negotiator, Ambassador Glitman'

A brief report by US Ambassador Glitman regarding the INF negotiations with the USSR. There is an increased willingness to negotiate, and the parties have come closer in some aspects, but major differences still persist.

October 15, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Statement by Ambassador Nitze to the Atlantic Council about recent developments of the Geneva negotiation'

Nitze's brief commentary on the developments in the recent negotiations with the USSR regarding arms reductions.

December 15, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Geneva negotiations - New Soviet proposals'

The document describes the propositions put forth by Soviet negotiators during the Geneva talks, and offers a preliminary analysis of the positive and the negative implications. The developments are not sufficient to expect an accord in the short term, but show a promising move away from "a dialogue of the deaf".

October 15, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Geneva negotiations - New Soviet proposals. An assessment'

A detailed evaluation of Soviet negotiation position vis-à-vis USA and Europe suggests that Moscow's willingness to agree on reductions and limitations does not meet Western needs. Gorbachev's doctrine seems to be in line with his predecessors, although increasing attention has been directed at Europe.

June 6, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Security and disarmament'

A detailed account of the developments in the Strategic Defense Initiative, ABM treaty, and negotiations between the superpowers. The document also assesses the ongoing negotiations on the ban of Chemical Weapons.

December 13, 1984

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Ministerial session of the Atlantic Council (Bruxelles, 13th-14th December, 1984). Security problems'

Overview of the key security issues facing the Alliance in preparation for the December 1984 meeting in Brussels. The document discusses the state of Alliance, conventional and nuclear weapons, and the installment of INF in Europe, focusing on the potential for continuing East-West dialogue around disarmament.

May 29, 1984

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Problems related to security and disarmament'

This document describes the problems related to security and disarmament in East-West relations. The Soviet intransigence combined with lack of consensus among the NATO states makes reopening nuclear disarmament negotiations difficult.

December 8, 1983

Note by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Ministerial session of the Atlantic Council - State of the Alliance'

These notes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs analyze the current state of the alliance. The document offers an overview of recent positive and negative developments , focusing on the issue of restarting the INF negotiations.

December 8, 1983

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Notes for the discussion: East-West relations'

This report is part of a wide documentation prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the meeting of the Atlantic Council in Brussels in December 1983. A central theme is the installation of the INF in Western Europe and the consequent interruption of the INF treaty negotiations in Geneva by the USSR.
