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September 21, 1976

Analysis on the Suggestion of the US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for Holding 4-Party Talks

Park Tong-Jin and Philip Habib discuss the proposal for four-party talks involving North Korea, South Korea, the United States, and China.

May 27, 1976

Telegram from the Ambassador in Japan to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

The South Korean Embassy in Japan summarizes the remarks of Elliott Richardson on the state of US-ROK relations.

April 1976

Telegram from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Ambassador in the United States

The South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs reports on Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter's proposal to withdraw American troops from South Korea.

March 16, 1973

ROK Foreign Ministry, "An Incident of Armed Agents Infiltration"

A confidential note by the Secretariat on an incident of armes agents infiltration on March 4, 1973 and a shooting incident along the Military Demarcation Line on March 7, 1973.

May 19, 1961

Letter, Channing Liem to Dag Hammarskjold containing Letter from Do Young Chang

Channing Liem sends Dag Hammarskjold correspondence containing a letter from Do Young Chang, Lieutenant General of South Korea and Chariman of Military Revolutionary Committee.

November 17, 1967

Letter, Pak Seong-cheol to Mr. Corneliu Manescu containing "Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea"

Pak Seong-cheol sends a letter containing "Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK" which denounces United States' enforcement of a General Assembly resolution on the Korean Question.

November 20, 1957

Letter, Nam Il to Sir Leslie Munro and Mr. Dag Hammarskjold

Nam Il, minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, sends letter to Sir Leslie Munro and Dag Hammarskjold to protest against UN General Assembly meeting which adopted an resolution to accept only South Korea into UN and denounces President Rhee of South Korea.

June 27, 1975

Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs concerning the Implementation of UN General Assembly Resolution 3333 (XXIX) on the Question of Korea

South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends a statement concerning the implementation of UN General Assembly Resolution 3333 on the question of Korea.

October 18, 1951

Cable No. 25025, Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao writes to Stalin regarding an upcoming conference to discuss strategy for an armistice ending the Korean War.

June 26, 1951

Report from the Chinese International Liaison Department, 'Regarding Soviet Suggestion towards Ceasefire Negotiations'

Report from the Foreign Ministry International Department on Soviet suggestion towards ceasefire negotiations in Korea.
