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February 21, 1972

Memorandum of Conversation between Chairman Mao Zedong and President Richard Nixon

Mao Zedong and Richard Nixon focus on "philosophic problems" in relations between China and the United States during their first meeting.

April 25, 1951

Letter, General James A. Van Fleet to UN Ground Forces in Korea

General Van Fleet encourages the UN Ground Forces in Korea to continue their fight against “armed communism aggression.”

August 26, 1954

Letter, General James A. Van Fleet to Syngman Rhee

After the Korean War, General Van Fleet informs President Rhee that U.S. will bear the cost of rebuilding Korean military forces in order to facilitate the withdrawal of American troops from the Korean Peninsula in the future.

March 18, 1954

Letter, Syngman Rhee to General James A. Van Fleet

President Rhee discusses different tactics with General Van Fleet on how to convince President Eisenhower and the American public to build the ROK's armed forces.

November 1957

Friendship and Solidarity Among Socialist Countries

Kim Il Sung's article, originally published in Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn, thanks the Soviet Union and China for assisting North Korea while deriding American foreign policy.

November 18, 1975

United Nationals General Assembly Resolution 3390A/3390B, "Question of Korea"

October 19, 1957

On the Implementation of the Party's Policy in the Field of Construction

Kim Il Sung's concluding speech at a Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

July 5, 1950

United Nations Security Council Resolution 84

December 12, 1948

A/RES/293, The Problem of the Independence of Korea

After accepting the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea's report on the validity of the South Korean election, the UN General Assembly passes Resolution 195 to recognize the Republic of Korea as a legitimate government on the Korean Peninsula.

November 14, 1947

112 (II), The Problem of the Independence of Korea

UN Resolution 112 (II), "The Problem of the Independence of Korea," calls for elections to be held and for foreign troops to withdraw in order to achieve the unification of the Korean Peninsula.
