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May 19, 1983

Memorandum from S.N. Mukha to Comrade V.V. Shcherbitsky, 'On Apprehension of S.V. Kirichenko, who Established a Criminal Connection with the US Clandestine Services'

Mukha provides Shcherbitsky with a report detailing the capture of Sergey Vladimirovic Kiirichenko, a Ukrainian conducting espionage operations on behalf of the US.

September 1983

Memorandum from S.N. Mukha to Comrade V.V. Shcherbitsky, 'On the Reaction to the Speech of the Secretary General of the CPSU CC, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, Yu. V. Andropov'

Mukha provides Shcherbitsky with information on public reaction to Andropov's speech made in response to the Soviet policy of the Reagan Administration.

January 12, 1983

V.M. Chebrikov, 'On the Results of the November 1982 Plenary Meeting of the CPSU Central Committee and the Tasks of the Party Chapter of the KGB of the USSR that follow from the Plenary Meeting's Decision and from the Speech of the General Secretary'

Chebrikov discusses the results of the November 1982 Plenary Meeting of the CPU Central Committee and its consequences for the KGB, including the state of the intelligence 'operating environment,' the aggression and intelligence work of the US and its NATO allies, and future steps of the KGB in order to produce higher quality intelligence.

May 25, 1981

Speech by Yu. V. Andropov at the National Consultation Meetings of the Leadership of the Agency and Troops of the KGB of the USSR, 'On the Tasks of the KGB in Light of the Decisions of the 26th Congress of the CPSU'

In a speech delivered at a meeting of the KGB, Andropov discusses the results of the 26th Congress of the CPSU, the state of Soviet intelligence work, and suggests areas of improvement in KGB intelligence work in light of heightened international tensions.

November 4, 1973

Prime Minister's Discussions with Premier Zhou Enlai, 31 October-3 November 1973, Summary

Zhou Enlai and E.G. Whitlam discuss Sino-Australian relations, the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, the Indo-Pak conflict, Great Power relations, Taiwan's international status, and other issues.

February 6, 1965

Record of the First Contact between Premier Zhou and Vice Premier Chen Yi and Kosygin

Premier Zhou and others meet to discuss the current situations in South Vietnam and Laos, U.S. and Soviet strategy, and Chinese-Soviet competition over civil aviation, among other pressing issues.

April 20, 1965

Minutes of Conversation between Premier Zhou and Bhutto

Bhutto shares with Zhou the results of Ayub Khan's visit to the Soviet Union. He also discusses the problems that the Sino-Soviet split has created for Pakistan, Soviet military aid to India, and the Vietnam War.

March 31, 1965

Record of the Second Meeting between Premier Zhou and President Ben Bella

Ben Bella and Zhou Enlai discuss a range of issues, including the Vietnam War, the Sino-Soviet split, the Second Asian-African Conference, China's status at the UN, Algerian foreign policy, and developments in the Congo and elsewhere in Africa.

January 1, 1985

Letter by Ambassador in Moscow Sergio Romano to Minister of Foreign Affairs Andreotti

Italian Ambassador to Moscow, Sergio Romano, writes to Foreign Minister Andreotti to dicuss the topic of the Soviet attitude towards the SDI, and the unsuccessful efforts by the Soviets to pursue a similar defense system. Even though SDI is no longer a hindrance to superpower dialogue, it would be a mistake to assume that the USSR has given up the battle against the overall missile defense system.

October 13, 1986

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'East-West relations'

The document analyzes the state of East-West relations in the aftermath of the Reykjavik Summit. There appears to be an openness to continuing dialogue by both sides, but many unknowns still persist regarding Europe and the Middle East.
