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May 29, 1984

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Problems related to security and disarmament'

This document describes the problems related to security and disarmament in East-West relations. The Soviet intransigence combined with lack of consensus among the NATO states makes reopening nuclear disarmament negotiations difficult.

December 5, 1983

Telegram by Ambassador Rinaldo Petrignani, 'Prospects of resuming the FNI negotiations'

Italian Ambassador to Washington, Rinaldo Petrignani, volunteers his views on the interruption of the INF negotiations, and their possible relaunch. He states that Italy's firm and coherent position vis-à-vis the missile debate has improved its standing internationally, and highlights the crucial importance of maintaining strong transatlantic relations.

May 10, 1977

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'SALT'

This document describes the state of SALT negotiations between the USSR and the US and presents two alternative proposals by Vance.

June 20, 1971

Memorandum of analysis by Roberto Ducci, 'The international situation after the Lisbon Council and some provisions that should be undertaken'

Roberto Ducci analyzes recent developments in US and Soviet foreign policies vis-à-vis Europe. He discusses the risk of US abandonment in Europe, and fragmentation of Western Europe in light of the ongoing MBFR negotiations, stating that USSR foreign policy is proving to be more capable than expected.

December 7, 1954

Department of State, Memorandum, 'Problems Involving the Satellites and Baltic Areas in Negotiations with the Soviet Union'

Negotiation of a collective security or non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union would "arouse grave anxiety or cynical reserve" due to a number of problems.


Department of State, Background Memorandum, 'The Baltic Question and US-USSR Exchanges'

Summary of past negotiations with the Soviet Union for cultural exchanges which include the Baltic States. The State Department wants to avoid the Soviets using these exchanges to erode the US policy of not recognizing Soviet control of the Baltics.

June 1, 1978

Telegram from the Secretary of State to the American Embassy in Seoul, 'Dr. Brzezinski’s Meeting with President Park'

Brzezinski briefed President Park on two exchanges with the Chinese leaders. They mainly talked about whether the Chinese leaders behave as spokesmen for Kim Il Sung or not.

April 6, 1989

Record of Negotiations between M.S. Gorbachev and Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher, London

Negotiations between Gorbachev and Thatcher on U.S. and British concerns, as well as Britain's cautious optimism, about the Soviet Union's perestroika and glasnost policies.

February 1989

Cable from the US Embassy in Moscow to Secretary of State for General Scowcroft, 'The Soviet Union Over the Next Four Years'

Predictions about the next four years in the Soviet Union's evolving political and cultural landscape, including that internal protests against perestroika will dominate the focus of Soviet leadership, that perestroika and its attendant backlash will in turn redistribute funds away from military spending, and that ultimately, these and other conflicts and pressures will promulgate the collapse of the Soviet Union.

January 23, 1989

Record of Telephone Conversation Between M. S. Gorbachev and President of the United States George Bush

Notes from a phone conversation between President George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev regarding Henry Kissinger's recent visit with Gorbachev.
