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June 14, 1954

Letter, John W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

Revised proposal of the AKRP Commodities Corporation, which is interested in investing in melting or smelting plants in Korea.

April 2, 1951

Letter, Syngman Rhee to Lieutenant General John B. Coulter

Syngman Rhee thanks Coulter for his birthday letter.

May 30, 1955

Letter, Secretary to the President to Major Songin Nam

Secretary to the President passes on that the President and Mrs. Rhee wanted to invite General Maxwell D. Taylor to dinner or luncheon at Kyung Mu Dai before he leaves Korea.

June 8, 1955

Letter, Chai Yu Choi to General Ferenbaugh

Chai Yu Choi, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, writes concerning the rate of pay for Korean Service Corps laborers.

July 17, 1955

Letter, General Collier to Syngman Rhee

General Collier congratulates Rhee on the seventh anniversary of Constitution Day commemorating the adoption of the Constitution of the ROK.

July 21, 1955

Letter, Syngman Rhee to General Collier

Syngman Rhee responds to General Collier's letter celebrating Constitution Day and states that Korea's major problem would dissolve if all world powers gave proper recognition to the ROK constitution.

August 11, 1955

Letter, General I.D.White to Syngman Rhee

This letter contains congratulation for the seventh anniversary of the Korean Independence Day, the day of proclamation of the Republic of Korea.

October 11, 1955

Letter, Han Sang Kook to Pak Shang Il, Secretary of the Office of the President

Information on a delegation from the US House Armed Service Committee visiting Seoul and requesting a meeting with President Rhee.

October 12, 1955

Letter, Han Sang Kook to Pak Chang Il

Dr. A. Stanley Trickett is presently in Seoul holding a religious retreat for the protestant chaplains of Eight Army and he wanted to meet President Rhee.

October 1955

Letter, Commanding General of Army Forces Far East to Syngman Rhee

Commanding General of US Army Forces, Far East (AFFE) sends a congratulation letter to Syngman Rhee regarding the 4288th national birthday of Korea.
