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June 12, 1989

Record of Conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and Chancellor of FRG H. Kohl

Gorbachev and Kohl share their impressions of the newly elected George Bush and discuss events in Eastern Europe.

October 23, 1987

Minutes of a Conversation between M.S. Gorbachev and the US Secretary of State G. Shultz

Gorbachev Shultz discuss the ABM treaty and Soviet-US relations.

March 25, 1961

Cable from He Wei, 'Comrade Nguyễn Chí Thanh Talked about the Situation in Laos with Me and the Soviet Ambassador'

He Wei reports on Nguyễn Chí Thanh's remarks that "the war in Laos develops quite well."

October 23, 1978

Record of Meeting between Prime Minister Fukuda and Vice Premier Deng (First Meeting)

Deng Xiaoping and Fukuda Takeo discuss Sino-Japanese relations, the Soviet Union, Vietnam, and Soviet-American negotiations over nuclear weapons.

March 28, 1984

Information of Comrade A. A. Gromyko on International Questions

Gromyko analyzes the Reagan administration and the increase in international tensions as a result of US "activism." He also discusses the role of Japan as a self-identified NATO and G7 member, a cause for alarm, he concludes.

September 18, 1955

Communist Activity in Aleppo

After Khalid Bekdash's visit to Aleppo, communist meetings focus on Russian engagement and the West's malicious intentions.


Untitled report on an Arab Communist summit in Lebanon

Lists of communist parties at a summit in Lebanon and of their topics of discussion.

August 3, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet interests in the Middle East

The Russian Commission is showing interest in the Middle East, especially in Turkish-Syrian collaboration and American and British support for a Turkish fight against communism.

April 23, 1949

Untitled report on Turkey

Reports of Soviet spying on Turkish and United States military activity in Iskenderun, Turkey.

January 13, 1959

Soviet Report, 'The Ideological Aggression of American Imperialism in the Orient'

This report emphasizes American propaganda in the Middle East, such as promoting democracy and American way of life, as well as its anti-Soviet propaganda. The report also extensively lists the Americans' participation in the region such as how much money and resources were devoted there, including from private institutions.
