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July 7, 1980

Resolution of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, 'On a Request from the Leadership of the People's Party of Iran'

Resolution of the TsK KPSS Secretariat approving the request from N. Kianuri, First Secretary of the People's Party of Iran (PPI), to admit three PPI members for training in clandestine work (training, transportation, housing, and food be paid)

July 8, 1980

Resolution of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 'On the Strengthening of Informational and Propaganda Work in Iran'

The CPSU Central Committee resolves to increase support for propaganda activities in Iran following the increase of Western radio transmissions into the country.

May 30, 1980

Deputy Director of the International Department CPSU Central Committee R. Ul'ianovskii, 'On a Request from the Leadership of the People's Party of Iran'

R. Ulianovskii requests payment for the travel of 10 PPI members to the USSR for "Party business."

June 3, 1980

Resolution of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 'On a Request from the Leadership of the People's Party of Iran'

Central Committee of the Soviet Union agrees to pay for the travel of 10 Tudeh Party members to come to the USSR for ‘party business.’

July 6, 1980

Iu. Andropov and B. Ponomarev, 'On a Request from the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran Comrade Kiyanuri'

Iu. Andropov and B. Ponomarev give their opinion on Tudeh Party First Secretary Kiyanuri’s request for weapons from the USSR.

August 1, 1979

Letter, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran N. Kianuri to the Central Committee of the CPSU

Memorandum from N. Kianuri, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran, outlining the possibility of open civil war in Iran. To prepare for this possibility, Kianuri requests the Central Committee of the CPSU to sell arms to the PPI.

August 27, 1979

Deputy Director of the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee V. Zagladin, 'On a Request from the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran'

Memorandum from Zagladan reporting PPI request for "non-Soviet" weapons in case of an open uprising in Iran.

August 30, 1979

Resolution of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 'On a Request from the Central Committee of the People's Party of Iran'

Resolution of the TsK KPSS Secretariat ordering that the Committee for State Security (KGB) and the General Staff of the Soviet Armed Forces consider the possibility of delivering non-Soviet weapons to the People's Party of Iran (PPI).

January 16, 1979

Deputy Director of the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee R. Ul'ianovskii, 'Request from Comrade N. Kiyanuri'

Ulianovskii reports PPI request to exchange 15,000 rubles collected by PPI members in Moscow into FRG Marks for "Party needs."

January 16, 1979

Resolution of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 'Request from Comrade N. Kiyanuri'

Resolution of the TsK KPSS Secretariat re a request from N. Kianouri, Secretary of the People's Party of Iran (PPI) to exchange 15,000 Soviet rubles for German marks and transfer the money to the PPI.
