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November 13, 1984

Annex to the Decision of the Presidium of the MSSR AS, No. 178, 'Of the Institutions of Education of the Section for Social Sciences of the MSSR AS Regarding the Execution of the Decision of the Presidium of the USSR AS'

List of propaganda measures to be carried out by the Moldavian Academy of Sciences and various institutions in order to counter Romanian nationalist propaganda.

December 29, 1981

Moldavia Communist Party Central Committee, Transcript No. 24 of the Meeting of Central Committee Bureau of the Moldavian Communist Party

Summary of discussions and decisions made by the Moldavian Communist Party to combat Romanian nationalist propaganda. These orders mobilized the entire education system and print and broadcast network to bolster and reinforce “a scientific conception of the world,” “ideological convictions,” “firm political vigilance” and “a class-oriented intransigence towards bourgeois and revisionist propaganda.” Although China was mentioned as one of the responsible parties for this propaganda, the central culprits behind the “abruptly intensified hostile actions” seeking “to oppose the Moldavian people to the Russians and other peoples of the USSR” resided in the West and over the Moldavian-Romanian frontier.

February 22, 1946

George Kennan's 'Long Telegram'

George F. Kennan writes to the Secretary of State with a lengthy analysis of Soviet policy in an attempt to explain their recent uncooperative behavior. This message would later become famous as the "long telegram."

November 5, 1968

Report Relayed by Andropov to the CPSU Central Committee, 'Students and the Events in Czechoslovakia'

KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov presents a secret, 33-page report to the CPSU Central Committee about the mood of Soviet college students. The report had been completed sometime before the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, and had been circulating within the KGB. It is not clear precisely who drafted the report, but Andropov’s cover memorandum and the report itself indicate that the author was a college student in Odessa who had recently finished his degree.

August 19, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 19 August 1957

Kim Il Sung and Puzanov discuss the possibility of Korean citizens in Japan studying in DPRK higher education institutions, matters of the DPRK's draft five-year plan and terms of trade between the Soviet Union and North Korea, factionalist activities against the KWP leadership and DPRK government, and South Korean insurgency against North Korea leading up to DPRK elections.

August 1, 1957

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 1 August 1957

Kim Il Sung and Puzanov discuss aid to North Vietnam and the merger of several DPRK ministries.

October 30, 1962

Chinese Embassy in Cuba, A Report on a Conversation with Two Deputy Department Heads of Cuban General Staff

Two department heads of the Cuban general staff (revolutionary education and film departments) spoke with the military attache to the Chinese embassy in Cuba. They discussed morale of the Cuban troops, relations with other socialist countries and the American airplane shot down over Cuba.

December 31, 1953

Political Report No. 8 of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Poland in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the Period of 1 December to 31 December 1953

The Polish Embassy provides information on the KWP Central Committee, the Supreme People's Assembly, agreements to receive assistance from communist countries, and the situation of industries, education, and health in North Korea.

July 14, 1977

Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo Decision on Information about China after Mao

This decision of the Politburo of the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) refers to specific measures to be undertaken by Bulgaria's ideological and propagandistic organs in publicly condemning Maoism as an ideology contrary to the theory and practice of Socialism and Marxism-Leninism. Among these measures are the commissioning of publications, media reports, and lectures at institutions of higher education in order to excoriate Chinese foreign policy for its attacks on the Soviet Union and the other European Socialist countries.


Eldridge Cleaver Notebooks, 1970

Eldridge Cleaver's handwritten notes from his travels to North Korea in 1970 for the "U.S. People's Anti-Imperialist Delegation."
