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July 14, 1956

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with Former President Árbenz of Guatemala and His Wife [Mrs. Árbenz]

Mao and Jacobo Árbenz discuss continued efforts to wage revolution in Guatemala. Topics that they touch on include: Guatemala's relations with her neighbors, Sino-Guatemalan friendship, and their common opposition to the "paper tiger" of American imperialism.

June 5, 1944

Djilas’s Conversations at Stalin’s Dacha

Milovan Djilas meets Stalin at his Dacha to discuss current affairs.

March 3, 1970

Hon. John M. Murphy of New York, in the House of Representatives, 'Isa Yusuf Alptekin--Defender of Freedom'

Congressman Murphy introduces Isa Yusuf Alptekin on the House floor, describing him as an "eloquent defender of freedom."

February 1, 1970

Letter, Isa Yusuf Alptekin, President of the National Center for the Liberation of Eastern Turkestan, to President Richard Nixon

Isa Yusuf Alptekin writes to President Nixon to explain the plight of his people and to request assistance.

August 5, 1979

Annex B/2: On the International Situation (Information Notes by Feng Xuan, CCP Member and Deputy Minister of the International Liaison Department)

The Chinese delegation stresses that Soviet social-imperialism is the main offensive threat to world peace today. Europe is its main target to win over the US in the global hegemonic race. The Soviet Union is in an offensive posture while the US is on a defensive one. It also describes China's position on the conflict with Vietnam.

October 16, 1960

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of a Conversation with Guevara, President of the National Bank of Cuba, 1 September 1960'

Guevara discusses the US intention to implement an economic blockade of Cuba in the OAS after the Quito conference as well as the possibility of the US implementing a naval blockade of the island. He argues that other Latin American governments must fight American imperialism.

September 15, 1960

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of a Conversation with Fidel Castro, 31 August 1960'

Fidel Castro speaks about Cuba's domestic situation since the revolution, plans for holding a Popular General Assembly in Havana in September, and his attitude toward the OAS and American imperialism.


Report from S. Rizaev to N.A.Mukhitdinov

Recommendations for the Soviet Union to imrpove its image among Muslims, including utilizing the physical heritage of Islamic culture within the USSR and respecting freedom of religious practice.

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that fissionable nuclear materials will not be transfered to any of the countries listed in the annex.

April 4, 1976

Letter from Akbar Etemad, President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Hans-Hilger Haunschild, Deputy Minister in the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology of FRG

Etemad acknowledges receipt of a letter from Haunschild stating that in the future West Germany and Iran may cooperate " to build uranium enrichment, or fuel reprocessing installations in Iran."
