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October 26, 1940

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes No. 21 of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The Soviet Politburo charges Narkomtsvetmet with concluding a 50 year concession agreement for the right to explore and exploit mineral deposits in Xinjiang and establishes a Directorate of Concessions for Exploration, Prospecting, and Exploitation of the Deposits of Tin in Xinjiang.

June 17, 1936

Concerning Soviet Trade with Xinjiang

The Politburo reduces the import plan for Xinjiang after a cattle plague and poor cotton harvest, while ordering the export plans to remain at their current level.

March 17, 1936

Concerning the Special Purpose Geological Expedition in Xinjiang

The Politburo orders the NKTP Special Purpose Geological Expedition in Xinjiang to continue prospecting for tin, tungsten, and molybdenum, allocating rubles and workers to support their efforts.

July 16, 1935

Excerpt on Xinjiang from Minutes No. 42 of the VKP(b) CC Politburo Meetings

The Politburo orders an increase in the number of Soviet trade officials in Kumul and Aksu.


Untitled report on a visit to the Communist Bloc

Extensive account of Cheab's visit to Budapest, Kiev, Moscow, Leningrad, Georgia, Bucharest, Sofia, and Plovdiv.

September 23, 1956

Untitled report about a Communist delegation's visit to Moscow

Delegates from Damascus and Cairo visit Moscow to visit the Russian Labor Union and request support in the Canal cause, labor issues, and other policy areas.

September 29, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 29 September 1960

A.M. Puzanov and Chinese ambassador Qiao Xiaoguang share information on the recent harvest conditions in both countries, industrial development in China, and the 15th UN General Assembly Session.

January 24, 1962

Annual Report by Polish Military Attache in Moscow

General Wyderkowski reports on topics such as: problems within the Soviet Union specifically with economic and industry production; military industry development observations, including nuclear preparations; suggestion for more interaction between army and society; efforts for positive relationship between Polish Embassy and Moscow and little contact with capitalist countries; 22nd Congress of the Soviet Union; new military training techniques; and foreign policy, especially increased interest in diplomatic ties to Africa.

June 15, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 15 June 1960

Khrushchev gives Kim Il Sung a copy of Mao Zedong's statements stemming from the 1956 August Incident and the joint Sino-Soviet intervention.

May 16, 1989

Excerpts from Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and Zhao Ziyang

Zhao Ziyang and Gorbachev discuss political and economic changes ongoing in China.
