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April 20, 1962

Minutes of Conversation between Chen Yi and the DPRK Ambassador to China Han Ik-su

The Vice Premier of China, Chen Yi, greets the newly arrived North Korean Ambassador to China, Han Ik-su. The two discuss China and North Korea's deep bonds of friendship and mutual assistance in times of need.

September 21, 1959

Report by Qiao Xiaoguang on a Conversation with Kim Il Sung

Qiao Xiaoguang, the Chinese Ambassador to North Korea, reports to the Central Committee that Kim Il Sung expressed the desire to discuss North Korea's economic development with Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi. Kim also states his support for the CCP and the solidarity of the China-DPRK relationship.

November 11, 1965

Record of the Third Conversation between Zhou Enlai and North Korean Vice Prime Minister Ri Ju-yeon

Zhou Enlai, Ri Ju-yeon, and Pak Seong-cheol discuss Japanese militarism, U.S. imperialism, the issue of Korean citizenship for Koreans in Japan, the Chinese 5-year plan, and military preparations.

July 24, 1965

Minutes of Conversation between Deng Xiaoping and Head of the Korean Delegation Kim Gwang-hyeop

The Chinese and Korean Delegation in Bucharest exchange information about their visits in Eastern Europe, discussions with the Romanians, the situation in Yugoslavia and Albania, and the possibility of holding the Afro-Asian Conference.

February 18, 1964

Report from the Science and Technology Committee and the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee on the Issue of Giving Scientific and Technical Literature to the DPRK

The Science and Technology Committee of the PRC and the Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee of the PRC reports on North Korea's request for scientific and technical assistance from capitalist countries through China.

July 25, 1971

Cable, Chinese Journalism Delegation in Korea to the State Council and the Central Military Commission

The Chinese Journalism Delegation to North Korea reports to the State Council and the Central Military Commission on North Korea's war preparations. It notes that North Korea is constantly expanding underground construction.

March 28, 1964

Conversation Notes from Zhou Enlai’s Reception of a Delegation of the DPRK Academy of Sciences

In a meeting with a delegation of the DPRK Academy, Zhou Enlai emphasizes the need for transparency as well as China's intentions to help its North Korean comrades with the establishment of agencies for electronic engineering.

August 10, 1970

Opinions from the State Council on Correctly Administering the Korean Nationals Issue

The State Council expresses concern over complaints of discrimination against Korean nationals in China and specifies the correct policies to administer to Korean nationals in China.

October 18, 1958

Notification from the Ministry of Interior on Opinions Relating to Marriages between Chinese People and Korean Women

The Ministry of the Interior transmits a report entitled "Internal Opinions on Marriages between Chinese [Men] and [North] Korean Women" as reference for Civil Administration Departments in the People's Republic of China. The document outlines policies for addressing requests from North Korean women wishing to marry Chinese men.

December 17, 1957

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security, and Central Overseas Chinese Committee, 'Views on Handling the Issue of Ethnic Koreans in the Northeast Illegally Crossing the Border to Korea'

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the Chinese Embassy in North Korea and the Public Security Offices in Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang Provinces of China and North Korea's policies regarding illegal border crossings.
