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Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Bulgarian Central Committee, the State Council, and the Council of Ministers, on the Situation in the Middle East

Todor Zhivkov reports on his recent visit to the Syrian Arab Republic and the Arab Republic of Egypt.

July 7, 1982

Cable from Hungarian Ambassador regarding Talk with Soviet China Expert Oleg Rakhmanin

Short summary of a conversation between the Hungarian ambassador to Moscow and Oleg Rakhmanin on China and its possible attempts to split the Eastern bloc countries, especially its warming relations with East Germany.

November 10, 1980

Hungarian Report on 'Economic Interkit' Meeting in Bulgaria, October 1980

Reports on a meeting that took place in Bulgaria regarding cooperative measures to be taken in regards to the People’s Republic of China. It notes that China has reduced the number of items it seeks to import, and is hinting that it will continue to do so in the future, as well. The Soviets, however, would like to keep trade and even technological and scientific informational trade at the same level that it is at now.

June 11, 1975

Todor Zhivkov’s Consultations with Soviet Experts on Relations with Romania

Prior to his visit to Bucharest, Todor Zhivkov meets Soviet representatives in Sofia in an attempt to co-ordinate Bulgarian policy toward Romania with the Soviet government. They discuss Soviet-Romanian relations, role of Romania in the Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Romania in the Warsaw Pact and COMECON, Romania and the Non-Aligned Movement, Sino-Soviet relations, etc.

January 13, 1979

Minutes of Conversation, Todor Zhivkov – Leonid Brezhnev

Leonid Ilyich analyzes the establishment of US-Chinese diplomatic relations and recent developments in Iran and the Middle East. Todor Zhivkov talks about Bulgaria’s economic development and the Soviet cancellation of Bulgarian debt.
