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January 11, 1950

The Military Commission Agrees to Allow the 4th Field Army's Ethnic Korean Officers and Soldiers Repatriate to Korea

China asked three representatives from DPRK to prepare to receive the ethnic Korean troops.

May 9, 1964

Cable from the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, 'Report on Comrade Kim Il Sung's Report'

A report to the Central Committee and the Northeast Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party on the progress and problems of Yunfeng (Unbong) Dam.

October 29, 1958

Central Committee Comments on the 'Report Seeking Instructions Concerning Strengthening Leadership over Foreign Economic and Technical Aid Work' by Comrades Chen Yi and Li Fuchun

The Central Committee comments on a report completed by Chen Yi and Li Fuchun.

September 21, 1959

Report by Qiao Xiaoguang on a Conversation with Kim Il Sung

Qiao Xiaoguang, the Chinese Ambassador to North Korea, reports to the Central Committee that Kim Il Sung expressed the desire to discuss North Korea's economic development with Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi. Kim also states his support for the CCP and the solidarity of the China-DPRK relationship.

August 8, 1963

Instructions from the CCP Central Committee on Handling the Issue of Ethnic Koreans in the Northeast Going to Korea

The CCP Central Committee emphasizes the CCP's solidarity with the Korean Workers' Party and instructs Provincial Committees to quickly approve requests for ethnic Koreans to travel to North Korea.

December 4, 1962

Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Document Notification on the Situation of Cuba’s Anti-American Struggle

The Chinese Central Committee discusses their reactions to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the actions during that event of both the United States and the Soviet Union.

March 10, 1980

Evaluation of Chinese Policies toward Eastern Europe by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

This document addresses China's alleged bid to undermine the unity of the Socialist countries while maintaining special relations with Romania, Yugoslavia, and North Korea. Chinese foreign policy is seen as interfering in the domestic affairs of the Socialist states. By maintaining contacts with Western countries and by encouraging further armament of NATO, China is undermining the position of the Warsaw Pact. The Soviet evaluation assesses China as an unreliable partner in international relations and advises that all contacts of the Chinese government with foreign organizations or authorities be closely monitored.

August 30, 1978

Evaluation by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of the Normalization of US-Chinese Relations

In this evaluation of Chinese-US rapprochement, elaborated by the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), Moscow states that Beijing is going to great lengths to demonstrate its willingness to cooperate closely with Washington, including through the creation of a global strategic alliance between China and the US against the Soviet Union and the entire Socialist community. Moscow urges its Eastern European allies to make use of all political and ideological means available to fight against the creation of a unified front between China and the US.

September 12, 1977

Bulgarian Politburo Decision on Coordination of Trade Policy with China

The Politburo of the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) decides to foster collaboration between the Ministries of Foreign Trade and Foreign Affairs on issues concerning Bulgarian-Chinese trade relations.

July 14, 1977

Bulgarian Communist Party Politburo Decision on Information about China after Mao

This decision of the Politburo of the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) refers to specific measures to be undertaken by Bulgaria's ideological and propagandistic organs in publicly condemning Maoism as an ideology contrary to the theory and practice of Socialism and Marxism-Leninism. Among these measures are the commissioning of publications, media reports, and lectures at institutions of higher education in order to excoriate Chinese foreign policy for its attacks on the Soviet Union and the other European Socialist countries.
