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August 13, 1945

Record of Meeting Between T.V. Soong and Stalin

T.V. Soong, Stalin, and others discuss Soviet plans in Manchuria. Topics include administrative rights, Soviet aid for China, and the progress in the war against Japan.

July 10, 1945

Record of a Meeting Between T. V. Soong and V. M. Molotov

Molotov and Soong author a Soviet-Chinese treaty regarding Outer Mongolia, Soviet troops, railways, port Dairen and Port Arthur.

July 9, 1945

Record of a Meeting Between T. V. Soong and Stalin

Dr. Soong reports Chiang Kai-Shek's response to the stalemate on the question of Outer Mongolia to Stalin and Molotov. Chiang insists on preserving the territorial integrity of China vis a vis Outer Mongolia and Manchuria, and that China's sovereignty in Manchuria should be reinforced by Chinese administration of Port Arthur and Dairen. Stalin asks to think over his decision before responding to Chiang.

January 22, 1950

Record of Talks between I.V. Stalin and Chairman of the Central People's Government of the People’s Republic of China Mao Zedong

Conversation between Stalin and Mao concerning a proposed treaty of friendship and alliance between the USSR and China. Discussion includes: the prospects of future Japanese aggression, the Chinese-Eastern Railway (Mao and Stalin disagree on who should run its administration), the Port Arthur agreements (including the question of the port of Dalny), and economic cooperation. The economic cooperation focuses on a Soviet credit program for economic development in China, as well as the question of arms shipments to China. There is also discussion of Tibet.