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April 16, 1993

Record of Japan-United States Summit Meeting

This record contains summaries of: (1) the tête-à-tête meeting between President Clinton and Prime Minister Mizazawa; (2) a small group meeting involving the President and Prime Minister, as well as several senior members of the US and Japanese cabinets; and (3) an expanded working lunch. Topics of discussion included U.S.-Japan strategic and economic relations, climate change, the Uruguay Round, policies towards Russia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Haiti, and China, and Japan's status at the United Nations. Various portions of the document were withheld, including an entire section on North Korea.

September 20, 1952

Report, Zhou Enlai to the Chairman [Mao Zedong], Comrade [Liu] Shaoqi, and the Central Committee

Zhou and Stalin discuss potential meetings with representatives from Vietnam, Indonesia, and Japan.

September 30, 1962

Record of Talks from the Premier’s Meeting with the Delegation of the National Front for the Liberation of Southern Vietnam

Zhou Enlai meets with the head of a Vietcong delegation, Nguyen Van Hieu. The two discuss the Vietcong's struggle inside of Vietnam and the organization's international ties, as well as disarmament and Afro-Asian politics.

June 15, 1965

Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Chairman Ho Chi Minh

Zhou Enlai and Ho Chi Minh discuss preparations for the second Asian-African Conference and the potential participation of countries such as the Soviet Union, Malaysia, and India.

December 18, 1957

Letter No. 69 from Tai Ha Yiu [Yu Tae-ha] of the Korean Mission in Japan to President Syngman Rhee

Yu summarizes a meeting with Prime Minister Kishi and Yatsugi regarding Japan's reparations for Vietnam and Indonesia.

September 22, 1957

L.H.K. Report No. 5 from Lincoln Hoon Kim to Francesca Rhee

Minister Kim briefs Mrs. Rhee on the budget expense of the Korean legation.

August 3, 1964

Comrade Zhou Enlai, Comrade Peng Zhen Receive Tran Tu Binh, Vietnam’s Ambassador to China; Nesti Nase, Albania’s Ambassador to China; and Pak Se-chang, Korea’s Ambassador to China

The meeting was among leaders from China, Vietnam, North Korea and Albania in 1964. They discussed Soviet-Romanian relations and plans to support Romania.

November 11, 1965

Record of Second Conversation of Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Chen Yi with Foreign Minister Pak Seong-cheol

Chen Yi, Zhou Enlai, Pak Seong-cheol, and Ri Ju-yeon have a detailed conversation about the situations in Indonesia, Algeria, Uganda, Mali, Guinea, and members of the Third World.

July 25, 1975

Prime Minister Miki – President Ford Meeting Discussion Outline

An extensive overview of international issues bearing on the US-Japan relationship, including the situations in the Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

May 27, 1965

On the Development of Situation in DPRK in May 1965: Political Report No. 8

Czechoslovakian ambassador to DPRK mentioned on foreign relationship with DPRK and domestic political situations.