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February 15, 1995

Memorandum for Kenneth C. Brill from Andrew D. Sens, 'Memorandum of Conversation of the President's Expanded Meeting with Chancellor Kohl of Germany'

Kohl and Clinton have a wide ranging discussion on NATO expansion, crises in the Balkans, Chechnya and Northern Africa, relations with Europe, and other subjects.

September 10, 1994

Cable, U.S. Embassy Office Berlin to the Secretary of State, 'Chancellor Kohl: NATO and EU Enlargement: The Future of Europe'

Richard Holbrooke recounts a final meeting with with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl prior to leaving Germany. Kohl asked the Clinton Administration "to increase its involvement in the ongoing effort to chart the future of Europe," and called for the expansion of NATO and the EU.

July 24, 1997

Memorandum for Glyn T. Davies from Alexander Vershbow, 'Memorandum of Conversation between the President and President Herzog of Germany'

Clinton and Herzog discuss NATO expansion and U.S. relations with Romania, Ukraine, and other states in Europe. Herzog cautions against Romania immediately joining NATO.

June 13, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Wednesday, 13 June 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for Wednesday, 13 June 1990 December 1989 describes the latest developments in USSR, West Germany, UK, Romania, Hong Kong and Canada.

July 14, 1953

Letter from President Eisenhower to Field Marshall Montgomery of Alamein

In a personal letter to the Field Marshall regarding to his assumptions made in a memoranda, President Eisenhower presents an opposing view that the successful integration of West Germany into Western Europe would increase pressure within East Germany for reunification.