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August 10, 1957

Memorandum from George W. Wood for Lt. Col Lee, 'Visit of Vietnamese Officers to Korea to Observe the Korean Service Corps'

George W. Wood of the US Eighth Army agrees with the proposal for South Vietnamese officers to come to South Korea for study and training.


Rules of Procedures Governing Explanations and Interviews by Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission

In 1953 the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission was created in order to deal with the repatriation of thousands of prisoners of war. For those POWs who wished to not to repatriate, a series of explanations and interviews were held in order to allow them to choose their side in a neutral setting. This is a list of the general provisions of the commission which clarifies and explains who, how, and where these interviews would be held.


Freedom to Non-Repatriated Prisoners of War

This note warns that the communists will try to convince the world that these “freed” prisoners are not really freed and during this processing and resettlement period the world will be watching the Republic of Korea and the Republic of China's actions.


The POW Scandal in Korea

According to A.B Carey, one of the lessons learned from fighting the Kremlin and its “communism” ideology is evidently seen amongst the Korean and Chinese prisoners of war. Both groups of POW not only disapprove of the communism but would also actively fight against it if they had the opportunity. Carey uses ten ideas which denounce the Kremlin as the one responsible for the lies and bellicosities during the Cold War. He also proceeds to demonstrate ways the free world can defeat this communist caucus.

May 21, 1979

Notes on a Meeting in Seoul on 5 May 1979, 10:30 – 12:30 AM

Kurt Waldheim and Park Chung Hee discuss the Secretary General's recent trip to Pyongyang and conversation with Kim Il Sung, as well as the possibilities for dialogue between North Korea, South Korea, and the United States.

May 2, 1979

Main Points of the Talks with Foreign Minister Ho Dam of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on 2 May 1979

Kurt Waldheim and Heo Dam discuss the Korean armistice and the possibilities for dialogue between the two Koreas.

April 15, 1954

Protocol for the Phased Withdrawal of Troops (First Draft)

A first draft of the proposal to withdraw United Nations Command and Chinese People's Volunteers troops from southern and northern Korea respectively. The protocol also outlines a schedule for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the Korean peninsula.

January 21, 1980

Telegram, From Salisbury, Secextern Cape Town, Meeting with Nkomo about RSA Troops and Electoral outlook

Overview of meeting with Nkomo and his concerns about the stationing of South African forces in Rhodesia, specifically Beit Bridge. An overview is then provided of the major black parties competing in the upcoming elections.

October 1979

SVR Guidelines in light of London Conference

Guidelines spelling out what course of action the Republic of South Africa should pursue based on the different scenario's posed regarding future Zimbabwian-Rhodesian developments.

October 1979

ZRGBS Report: Zimbabwe-Rhodesia (Z-R) Political Development

Overview of political developments in Zimbabwe-Rodesia reporting hopeful optimism that a settlement can be reached in London. The structure of newly created governing bodies is announced. Additionally it states that the chances of Nkomo winning an election are slim, and that if Mugabe comes to power a clash between ZPRA and ZANLA forces is a strong possibility. If a settlement is not reached, Zimbabwe-Rhodesia will become even more heavily dependent on South Africa.
