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March 26, 1965

Minutes of a Conversation Between the RCP Leadership led by Nicolae Ceausescu and the CCP Leadership Led by Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai, Maurer, and Ceausescu discuss US military engagement in South Vietnam and USSR's response.

September 3, 1968

Note Number 291 from the Department of Asia-Oceania, 'China and the Events in Czechoslovakia'

The Department of Asia-Oceania analyzes shifts in Chinese foreign policy toward Eastern Europe following the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and connects the apparent changes in Beijing's diplomacy to the Sino-Soviet split and the Vietnam War.

September 20, 1947

Report of Pham No Mach [Pham Ngoc Thach] to the Soviet Envoy in Switzerland, A. G. Kulazhenkov

Report of a meeting with an emissary of the Viet Minh government who requested Soviet support for Vietnamese forces in their independence war against the French. Pham Ngoc Thach stresses the communist nature of the Republic of Vietnam's government, explaining that the Communist Party was only dissolved in 1945 "to avoid provoking a negative American reaction." Pham also discusses his meetings with the French Communist Party in Paris, and the situation in other Southeast Asian countries, including Malay, Indonesia and Thailand.

December 12, 1968

Secret North Vietnam Politburo Cable

The Vietnamese Politburo updates COSVN (the communist command in South Vietnam) on the progress of plans for a four-party conference with the US. It discusses the upcoming inauguration of President Nixon and the Vietnamese negotiation strategy.

October 20, 1968

Secret North Vietnam Politburo Cable

The Vietnamese Politburo updates COSVN (the communist command in South Vietnam) on the progress of plans for a four-party conference with the US.

August 6, 1964

Report on the meeting between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam’s ambassador Nguyen Ngoc-Son with Qemal Rahmanaj

This document is a report on a meeting between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam's representative, Nguyen Ngoc-Son, with an Albanian official, Qemal Rahmanaj. Nguyen-Ngoc-Son reveals the American and South Vietnamese 1955 plan concerning marching into North Vietnam and establishing order in the South. In 1961 the plan is carried out in 3 phases. In phase 1, the Americans and the South Vietnamese government cooperated to create order in South Vietnam and establish American bases in North Vietnam. Phase 2 includes improving the military capability of the U.S. army and commencing sabotage operations in the North. Phase 3 includes developing the South Vietnamese economy and the beginning of military operations against North Vietnam. Alarmingly, the frequency of attacks against North Vietnam increases even further in 1964. Because of this, the ambassador asks for a press conference to inform Albanian media about the situation in Vietnam.

August 16, 1973

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong

Zhou Enlai discusses his concerns regarding US negotiations in Cambodia.

April 13, 1968

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong

Zhou Enlai discusses with Pham Van Dong Vietnam’s course of action in the face of American turmoil at home and negotiations in Vietnam.

April 19, 1968

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong

Zhou Enlai chastises the Vietnamese for seemingly being too conciliatory in negotiations and failing to take opportunities that would have allowed a stronger position against the US.

April 20, 1969

Zhou Enlai, Kang Sheng, Pham Van Dong, Hoang Van Thai and Pham Hung address the COSVN delegation

Zhou Enlai acknowledges that Nixon has recognized Cambodia and sees the problems connected. Zhou Enlai warns the Vietnamese about being deceived by Soviet revisionists during negotiations with the US. Kang Sheng criticizes the number of Vietnamese being sent abroad to study.
