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September 9, 1952

Letter, Central Committee of the Red Cross of the People’s Republic of Romania to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Central Committee of the Red Cross of the People’s Republic of Romania reports to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about a rail shipment of medical supplies and other provisions to support the war.

January 1952

Report of the Romanian Dispensary No. 2, Hospital No. 39 in Korea, to the Central Committee of the Red Cross, Bucharest

A Romanian delegation of doctors and nurses describe their journey from Bucharest to Korea, where they provided medical care for the Korean people. The report also includes a telegram from Kim Il Sung, who thanks the medical team for their efforts.

October 1970

Note from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, No. 05/04119, 'Regarding the Issues that May Be Raised by the Shah'

Notes preparing the Romanian delegation for a meeting with the Shah of Iran. Stresses Romania's desire to develop and diversify its economic relations with Iran, in spite all the difficulties posed by the closing of the Suez Canal.

June 4, 1973

Minutes of Conversation between the Shah and Nicolae Ceaușescu, Bucharest

Describes conversation between Nicolae Ceausescu and the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi about the influence of events in the Middle East on the rest of Europe because of oil. The Shah suggests detente as a world policy.

April 10, 1972

Minutes of Conversation between Nicolae Ceaușescu and Abbas Massoudi, Vice-President of the Majlis, Bucharest

Describes the conversation between Nicolae Ceaușescu and Abbas Massoudi, Vice-President of the Majlis, regarding the current situation in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Conclusion was that Egypt is ready to sign a treaty, but Israel has not welcomed any recent proposals. Both agreed that it is important for international community to help find solution to conflict.

October 15, 1971

Minutes of Conversation between Nicolae Ceaușescu and the Shah, Persepolis

Description of conversation between Nicolae Ceaușescu and the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi regarding efforts to find a solution to the conflict between Israel and Egypt involving border disputes and the Suez Canal.

August 19, 1969

Policy Memorandum from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, No. 05/03901, 'Request of the United Arab Republic Government that Romania Stops Using the Oil Pipeline Eilat-Mediterranean Sea to Transport Crude Imported from Iran'

Romanian Deputy Foreign Minister, Petru Burlacu met with the charge d'affaires of the United Arab Republic in Bucharest, Fikry Mehanny Nakhla. Nakhla told Burlacu that he had discovered that the Romanians used the Eilat-Mediterranean Sea pipeline to transport oil from Iran which went through Egypt, and asked that this stop. Romanian government decided to leave this request unanswered. Topics of memorandum also included bilateral relations between Romania and Iran.


Iranian-Romanian Commercial Relations and Prospects for their Development

A report on the Romania-Iran economic relationship, including figures regarding; evolution of exchanges, cooperation activities, loan agreements between Iran and other socialist countries, and Iran's foreign trade. Also includes discussion of Iran's foreign policy, which is described as independent with the purpose of defending Iran's national interests.

September 3, 1969

Minutes of Conversation between the Shah and Nicolae Ceaușescu, Teheran

The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi spoke with Nicolae Ceaușescu regarding President Nixon's speech in which he talks about disengaging the US from issues that do not concern the US, but also not abandoning allies. The Shah recalled that he told President Nixon long ago to withdraw from Vietnam. The Arab-Israeli conflict was also discussed.

August 7, 1967

Telegram to the Romanian Embassy in Teheran, No. 05/003865

Petru Burlacu's telegram to the Romanian ambassador to Iran regarding Iranian Ambassador Sanandaji's request for the Romanian government to arrest Tudeh Party president, Reza Radmanesh, and extradition him to Iran. Burlacu replied that the Romanian government is the only body entitled to make that decision, and that arresting Radmanesh goes against Romania's policy to have relations with all countries, regardless of political affiliation.
