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November 26, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (Supplement No. 2)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing a recent meeting between Hu Yaobang and a delegation of the French Communist Party.

October 4, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 8)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing recent meetings held between Deng Xiaoping and UN Secretary-General Pérez de Cuéllar and French National Assembly Speaker Louis Mermaz.

March 3, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 2)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing a meeting held between Deng Xiaoping and Norodom Sihanouk.

February 22, 1972

Memorandum of Conversation between Richard Nixon and Zhou Enlai

March 19, 1955

Telegram to V. M. Molotov on Report of the Agency France Press

Telegram from V. Kuznetsov about the French Minister of Foreign Affairs Piné's statement that a conference of the three powers has been called to discuss problems of Indo-China and implementation of Geneva accords. The telegram concludes that a meeting is needed with Piné to demonstrate that the Soviet Union is firmly monitoring any Geneva accord violations.

May 13, 1975

Record of Conversation between French President Giscard d'Estaing and Vice Premier of the People's Republic Deng Xiaoping: First Meeting

French President Giscard and Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping discuss the current international situation, including the balance of power between the Soviet Union and the United States and issues of European unity and security. They also discuss the current situation in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos following the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War.

May 10, 1955

Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Comments on the Asian-African Conference from the Participating Countries After the Conference'

Description of the reaction to the Asian-African Conference in both participating countries and capitalist ruled countries.

April 4, 1954

Draft Memorandum, 'A Comprehensive Solution for Restoring Peace in Indochina,' Prepared by the Vietnam Group of the Chinese Delegation Attending the Geneva Conference

The Vietnam group of the Chinese delegation offers a solution involving peaceful unification within Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, so that these nations can govern themselves as independent, sovereign states.

May 9, 1954

Cable from Zhou Enlai, 'Regarding the Situation of the First Plenary Session'

Zhou Enlai recaps the Indochina discussion that took place at the Geneva conference. Participants discussed a ceasefire, and supervision by an international committee. Enlai notes that his suggestion to invite the resistance governments in Laos and Cambodia to attend the conference produced debate.

July 19, 1954

From the Journal of Molotov: Secret Memorandum of Conversation with Eden at his Villa in Geneva, 10:00 p.m.

Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov and British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden discuss the progress of the Geneva Conference thus far. They discuss the withdrawal of troops from Laos and Cambodia, the situations in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and how best to solve these situations. They also discuss the relations between France and Vietnam.
