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October 30, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (Supplement No. 1)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing a recent meeting between Hu Yaobang and a delegation of the French Communist Party.

October 27, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 11)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing recent meetings held between Deng Xiaoping, Hu Yaobang, and Zhao Ziyang and Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki.

October 4, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 8)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing recent meetings held between Deng Xiaoping and UN Secretary-General Pérez de Cuéllar and French National Assembly Speaker Louis Mermaz.

March 3, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 2)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing a meeting held between Deng Xiaoping and Norodom Sihanouk.

March 16, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 3)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing recent meetings held between Deng Xiaoping and foreign counterparts.

October 16, 1982

Excerpts of Talks between Leading Comrades and Foreign Guests (No. 10)

A Chinese Communist Party digest summarizing recent meetings held between Deng Xiaoping, Hu Yaobang, and Zhao Ziyang and foreign counterparts.

June 1, 1989

Telegram No. 048 626 from the Czechoslovak Embassy, Beijing

The Czechoslovak Ambassador in Beijing reports on the latest meetings with Chinese officials and the activities of demonstrators at Tiananmen Square.

June 5, 1989

Telegram No. 048 821 from the Czechoslovak Embassy, Beijing

Saul reports on the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square crackdown.

June 2, 1989

Telegram No. 048 727 from the Czechoslovak Embassy, Beijing

Saul indicates that the Chinese military will be called upon to clear Tiananmen Square.

June 2, 1989

Telegram No. 048 725 from the Czechoslovak Embassy, Beijing

Saul describes the economic situation in China in the context of the Tiananmen Square protest movement.
