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Networks Acting for the Russians

The locations of Russian centers and agents conducting popular activities and their strategies for propaganda. The iems the Russian Commission is tracking are also broached, including military munition in Beirut and the Syrian Republic.

June 25, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet movements in Syria

The Russians are interested in understanding Husni Al-Zaim's supporters and policy.

June 24, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet interest in events in Syria

Syria plays out as a battleground of foreign propaganda, and Chehab looks into recent developments.

June 17, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet activities in Lebanon

Information sought by the Soviet Union regarding Lebanon and Syria.

May 5, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet activities in Syria

Report on Syrian politics following the coup by Husni al-Za'im at the end of March.

April 30, 1949

Untitled report on Soviet-Syrian Relations

Developments in Syria and with the Syrian government's relations with the Soviet Union.

February 16, 1967

The Visit of the [Syrian] Ba’ath in the USSR, Political Report No. 3

The document records the state of play in Syrian-Soviet relations prior to the Six-Day War. According to the author of the report negotiations between the Syrian Ba’ath delegation and Soviet authorities, which took place in Moscow during January 1967, were tense and uneasy because the Soviets were displeased by the provocative and aggressive Syrian policy toward Israel.

June 2007

About an Embassy. Folder 78. The Chekist Anthology

Folder 78 concerns KGB operations against the Syrian embassy in Moscow in the early 1970’s. It begins with brief biographical descriptions of the KGB agents and confidential contacts involved in penetrating the embassy. The Syrian Ambassador, Vhaya Jamil, was targeted by female KGB agents and confidential contacts who were told to express a romantic interest in him, while an official from the embassy’s military procurement bureau was targeted by a KGB agent who enticed the official into engaging in foreign currency speculation. As a result of his actions, the official was expelled from the Soviet Union.

The KGB also used specially organized hunting trips on which agents and confidential contacts developed relations with Ambassador Vhaya. During one such hunting trip the Ambassador revealed the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, Nikolai V. Podgorny would visit Egypt in January 1971 to sign a friendship agreement with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. On a similar occasion on 12 September, 1973, Ambassador Vhaya explained that the short term goal of Middle Eastern leaders was to debunk the myth of Israeli invincibility, while the long term goal of destroying Israel, would have to wait for 5-15 years.

Finally, Ambassador Vhaya became one of the KGB’s confidential contacts on a KGB organized hunting trip codenamed OPERATION T, which was personally approved by KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov. During the trip, a KGB agent was assigned to invite Vhaya to what was purported to be his aunt’s dacha. Subsequently the Ambassador was considered to be a KGB confidential contact.

June 25, 1982

Message of L.I. Brezhnev to Syrian President Hafez Assad

Brezhnev appeals to Assad to continue his support for the PLO. He blames the passivity of the other Arab states for the critical military situation in Lebanon.
