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July 7, 1977

Telegram 066669 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the contents of Yang Hyeong-sop's speech on the 5th anniversary of the North-South Joing Communique of 1972. The DPRK supports complete US troop withdrawal from Korea and states its conditions for dialogue with South Korea.

May 14, 1977

Telegram 066595 from the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the US troop withdrawal plan from South Korea and South Korea's emphasis on international support for continued US military presence on the Korean peninsula.

March 22, 1977

Telegram 01/02585 from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang of the US's commitment to maintain strategic and military balance in the Korean Peninsula, and its continued insistence on South Korean participation in negotiations with the DPRK.

March 21, 1977

Telegram 084354 from the Romanian Embassy in Washington, DC, to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Washington, DC reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on South Korean consultation with the United States on the Korean issue.

February 7, 1977

Telegram 084120 from the Romanian Embassy in Washington, DC, to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Romanian Embassy in Washington, DC reports to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Carter administration's position regarding US troop withdrawal from South Korea. It also comments on the internationally tense Korean situation.

January 13, 1977

Telegram 01/0402 from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs instructs the Romanian Embassy in Pyongyang to report the DPRK's reactions regarding South Korean President Park Chung Hee's January statement of US troop withdrawal upon a non-aggression pact signed by the two Koreas.

June 17, 1993

Interview with André Finkelstein by Avner Cohen

Transcript of Avner Cohen's 1993 interview with André Finkelstein. Finkelstein, deputy director of the IAEA and a ranking official within the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), discusses Franco-Israeli nuclear technology exchange and collaboration in this 1993 interview.

June 15, 1993

Interview with Bertrand Goldschmidt by Avner Cohen

Transcript of Avner Cohen's 1993 interview with Dr. Bertrand Goldschmidt. Goldschmidt was a leading French nuclear scientist who helped develop the PUREX plutonium extraction technique. In this interview, Goldschmidt explains the background of the French role in constructing the Dimona nuclear facility.

May 24, 1974

Memorandum of Conversation between Emil Bodnaras and Harry G. Barnes, US Ambassador to Romania

August 3, 1970

Memorandum from Helmut Sonnenfeldt to Henry Kissinger, 'Franco-American Military Relations'

Sonnenfeldt summarizes various recent types of military cooperation between the United States and France. These include cooperation on contingency plans for dealing with Germany and US nuclear assistance to France. He suggests that it is time to define the "political philosophy underlying these disparate measures of cooperation."
